Fall 2019

Volume 10, Issue 3

View more photos from church events via our website: upcbgm.org/programs-and-events/photo-gallery
Our worship services are live-streamed on our public Facebook page: facebook.com/pg/UPCBinghamton/videos

During the LUMA Projection Arts Festival, September 6–7, UPC will be the host site for “Sviatovid,” a 360-degree projected sculpture created by Akira Wakui of the BARTKRESA Studio.

For more information, see the Community Engagement section.

Sign Up for the Congregational Retreat

Friday evening, October 25, through Sunday morning, October 27, at Stony Point Conference Center

At United Presbyterian Church, we talk a lot about concern for neighbor as the basis of Christian practice. “Who is my neighbor?” is one of the questions that challenge us from many different perspectives in the bible. Two thousand and more years later, the question still challenges us. The challenge is to develop fundamental openness to learning about, understanding, and potentially being changed by the other. Stony Point Center is committed to this foundational practice as the basis for its community and for collaborative, effective efforts to nurture peace, nonviolence, and social justice.

We will have times of study and worship, of prayer and reflection, and of considering ways to express our sense of concern particularly for our neighbors who are trapped in the immigration system as they are seeking safety and a new home as refugees in our land.

You are encouraged to come for the whole weekend, beginning with dinner in the Stony Point dining room on Friday night and ending with worship in our dedicated lodge on Sunday morning, but we would be glad to have you with us for whatever part of the weekend you can give.

There are “free time” options in and around Stony Point, including hiking, working on community projects, and the art center.

Let us know if you are coming as a family, so we can plan the activities to be fully inclusive of all age groups, including providing respite care for the youngest if needed.

We have room for 24 persons in double rooms, so sign up, with your registration cost of just $25 per person, as soon as you can. Each room is equipped with a sink; toilet and shower facilities are shared.

If you have questions, speak with our pastors or others who have come on this annual retreat in the past.

To learn more about Stony Point, go to stonypointcenter.org

Our mission is to follow Jesus Christ by doing justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly with God.