Golden Eagles Internship Program 

Program Mission 

University Preparatory Academy prepares students to enter and excel at the best colleges and universities in the country. This preparation includes rigorous content and expectations, life-long skill development, a well-rounded course of study, and major and career investigation. 

The UPA internship program's purpose is to give perspective Juniors and Seniors the opportunity to learn about potential careers on the job-site doing real work. The long term benefits for our students would provide students with a more robust understanding of their major or career and to potentially develop relationships that could convert into continuing internships through college and post-university careers. 

FAQ About Internships

Q: What is an internship?

A:  An internship is a professional learning experience that offers meaningful, practical work related to a student's field of study or career interest. An internship gives a student the opportunity for career exploration and development, and to learn new skills.

Q: Why should I apply for an internship?

A: Internships help students gain real-world experience about their potential major or career field. Internships allow students to explore the field and can help solidify interest in the field. And yes, it does look good on your resume. 

Q: Do I get paid to be an intern?

A: That's a great question! It depends on the organization. You'll see on our List of Internships page that some internships are paid while others are unpaid. 

Q: Are paid internships better than unpaid internships?

A: Not necessarily, remember the purpose of an internship is for you to further your exploration in a career. It is important for you to consider your life circumstance and determine which path is better for your goals. 

Q: I have no idea how to write a resume. Where do I start?

A: That's okay! Sample templates can be found under our student resources tab. Templates are easy to follow and provide multiple examples of the types of experience that you can highlight. UPA will also host resume building workshops. You can also refer to the Support Services Corner and schedule a meeting with Ms. Makenna for 1:1 support. 

Q: I have never had a job before. What kind of work experience can I use in my resume?

A: Many students are surprised to find out that many, if not all, of their experiences have a place on their resume. Babysit for family members? Awesome! That experience can be highlighted as experience working with children if you are looking into an education program. Help out at your family's business? That's great! You probably have experience in customer service, stocking and inventory, and knowledge about running a business. 

Q: Can I use classroom projects as experience? 

A: Yes, you can! Classroom projects are a great way to show an organization that you are knowledgeable about the field. Projects can highlight your strengths with using different programs (i.e., Google, Photoshop, Java, etc.). In addition, classroom projects can show the interviewer that you have experience working on a team.