Teacher Talks

Welcome to Teacher Talks dearest!

Who am I?

I don't think we've met before; perhaps, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Annie Lorrie I. Callangan, and I am 24 years young. I've been a city girl ever since, so you can usually see me in the heart of Cebu City. I graduated from Cebu Normal University, and I took up a Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Social Sciences last 2019. Right now, I'm pursuing a Master of Education major in Social Studies at the University of the Philippines Cebu.

What I do?

After graduating, I immediately worked as an ESL Teacher in some companies here in the country. However, after several months, I've decided to pursue teaching at St. Alphonsus Catholic School. I used to teach junior and senior high school way back in 2019. Due to the pandemic, I decided to break off from teaching in the previous school since it was too far from my home. Months have passed, and I've found another opportunity to become a College Instructor at Southwestern University Phinma. Teaching college students is quite different from the high school, which makes it more exciting, I must say. Under some circumstances, I stop teaching for a while to focus and pursue my Master's degree. As of now, I am happily working as a Content Writer. Hopefully, once I am done marching with my sablay at UP Cebu, equipped with all the wisdom, I will continue my passion for teaching. If that time comes, I'll make sure to inculcate the significance of history to every student and that they should never forget nor distort it.

What do others need to know?

I want to walk you through my personality and the things I love to do. As you can see on the photo gallery, these are just a few places I've been to. Yes, I love traveling, and I always seek adventures, whether it's a beach, mountain peak, waterfalls, or anything in between. Aside from that, I also overeat, but I don't gain weight nor get fat. Lastly, I love cats and cannot resist their cuteness and pity faces.

Teacher Talks by Annie Lorrie I. Callangan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.