الاستاذ الدكتور : رياض عبد الحسين البدراوي
Riyadh Abdul-Hussein Radhi Al-badrawy
Professor of Islamic History, the Mogul Era
Department of History, Wasit University, Kut, Iraq.
Born on 30.6.1967, Badra, Wasit, Iraq.
Address: Dept. of History, Wasit University, Kut, Iraq.
Mobile: 00964 7814303992
00964 7709400181
Email: rrathi@uowasit.edu.iq
1997 M.A. in History from the Department of History, College of Arts, Baghdad University.
The thesis title:
As’ad bin Mamati’s Book The Laws of the Diwans
1998-2002 Ph.D. in History from the Department of History, College of Arts, Baghdad University.
The dissertation title:
The Development of the Imami Shiites during the Ilkhan Mogul Era (656-738 H./1258-1337 AD): A Historical Study
- A teaching career in Libyan Universities 1997-2002.
- A teaching career in Iraqi Universities from 2003 to the present.
- Supervised, evaluated and examined a number of MA theses and Ph.D. Dissertations.
- Participated in more than 90 investigative, administrative and academic committees, either as chairman or member.
- Participated in 8 academic conferences, and in more than 120 symposia and workshops as presenter or attendant.
- Held the following positions:
1. Coordinator of the Department of History, College of Education, Wasit University.
2. Head of the Department of History College of Education, Wasit University.
3. Secretary of the Council of Wasit University.
4. Office manager of the President of the Wasit University.
Other Qualifications
1. Member of the Union of Arab Historians
2. Member of the Arab Historians and Archeologists Association
3. Member of the Iraqi Sociologists Association
4. Member of the International Academy of the River of Knowledge
Letters of Thanks
I have got more than 65 letters of thanks issued by the minister or the president of Wasit University or deans of colleges in Iraq or abroad.
1. As’ad bin Mammati: His Life and Poetry 544-606 H. 2006
2. Abu Zerr al-Ghifari: His Conversion to Islam and His Opposition. Najaf: Al-Dhiaa House, 2008. 2nd Ed. Damascus: Tammuz Publishing House, 2012.
3. Intellectual and Economic Contributions of the Ayyubid Wazir As’ad bin Mammati. 2008.
4. The Arab Oppression of Mawali (non-Arabs) in the Umayyad State between Falsifications and the Historical Reality. Damascus: Tammuz Publishing House, 2012.
5. The Status of Sophism in the Community of the Mongol State of Persia and Iraq and Its Relation to the Political Institution (656-738 H.): A Historical Study. Damascus: Tammuz Publishing House, 2017.
6. The Religious Oppression of Christians in the Umayyad State between Historical Accounts and Scientific Analysis. Damascus: Safahat Publishing House, 2023.
7. Twever Imami Shiites: A Study of Their Political and Religious History 575-738 H./1179-1337 AD. (Forthcoming)
1. The Poetry of al-Wazir al-Ayyubi. The Journal of the College of Education of Wasit University. Vol. 1, 2006.
2. Abu Zerr’s Conversion to Islam between the Mercy of the Narrators and the Justice of History. Pub. in the Brochure of the Second Academic Conference of the College of Education in 2007.
3. Al-Fashush fi Ahkam Karakush (The Stupid Judgments of Karakush): The Motivations and Purposes. The Journal of the College of Education, 2nd Issue, 2008.
4. Is Arab Oppression of the Mawalis (non-Arab Muslims) during the Umayyad Reign True or False? An Analysis Comparing the Past historical Accounts and the Views of Modern Historians. The Journal of the College of Arts of Thi Qar University, Vol. 3, 2011.
5. The Historical Reality of the Mawalis during the Umayyad Reign. Lark Journal of the College of Arts of Wasit University, Vol.5, 2011.
6. Abu Zerr’s Opposition: Causes, Motives and Aims. The Journal of the College of Education of Wasit University. Vol. 8, 2011.
7. A Terminological Study of the Terms Shiite, Imamism, Twelvism, and Rafidhism under the Ilkhan Mongol Reign during the Period (656-738 H./1258-1337 AD.). The Journal of Historical and Archeological Studies of the College of Arts, Baghdad University, 2014.
8. The Political Activism of Twelfver Imami Shiites in Iraq during the Ilkhan Mongol Reign during the Period (654-694 H./1256-1294 AD.) The Journal of the College of Arts, Baghdad University, 2014.
9. The Status of the Sophists in the Community of the Mongol State of Persia and Iraq: A Historical Study. The Journal of Lark, 2017.
10. The Relation of the Political Institution of the Mongol State of Persia and Iraq with the Sophists 656-738 H.: A Historical Study. The Journal of Lark, 2017.
11. Taqiyy al-Deen Al-Maqrizi’s Accounts about the Jalayirid Sultan Sheikh Hassan al-Kabir (740-757H.) in His Book The Way to Know Kings: A Reading of the Mamluk View of the Jalayirid History. The Journal of the College of Arts, Baghdad University.
12. Ibn Battuta’s Accounts about the Sultan of the Mongol Ilkhan State of Persia and Iraq, Bu Saeed Bahadir (716-736 H.) The Journal of the College of Arts, Baghdad University.
13. Women in the Kipchak Khanate of the Golden Horde as Described by Ibn Basttuta in His Travels. The Journal of Historical and Archeological Studies of the College of Arts, Baghdad University.
14. Timur-Mamluk Relations in Al-Maqrizi’s Book The Way to Know Kings. The Journal of Historical and Archeological Studies of the College of Arts, Baghdad University.
15. Writing Down Supplications by Twelver Imami Shiite: Causes and Motivations. The Journal of Historical Studies of Bayt al-Hikma, 2020.
16. Writing Down Shrines Pilgrimage Supplications by Twelver Imami Shiite: Causes and Motivations. The Journal of al-Sibt, Kerbala, 2020.
17. A Reading of Imam Ali’s Statements about Meccan Suras as Interpreted by al-Tabari in his Tafseer. The Journal of Historical Studies of Bayt al-Hikma, 2021.
18. A Reading of Imam Ali’s Statements about Medina Suras as Interpreted by al-Tabari in his Tafseer. Al-Utruha Journal, Jan., 2021.
19. Al-Maqdisi’s View of the Economic Conditions of Iraq. Al-Utruha Journal, Vol.1, Jan., 2021.
20. Al-Maqdisi’s View of the Religious Conditions of Iraq.The Journal of Historical Studies of Bayt al-Hikma, 2021.
21. Imam Ali and the Quran in the Light of the Tradition of the Messenger and His Followers. 1st International Conference of the Department of History of the College of Education, Wasit University.
22. Direct Narrators from Imam Ali in al-Tabari’s Tafseer. Al-Utruha Journal. 1st Issue, Feb., 2021.
23. The Public Political Conditions as Described by Ibn Abd Rabbih in His Book al-Ikd al-farid "The Unique Necklace". Wasit Journal for Human Sciences, 2021.
24. The Social Conditions of Iraq as Described by Ibn Abd Rabbih in His Book al-Ikd al-farid "The Unique Necklace". Wasit Journal for Human Sciences, 2021.
السيرة الذاتية
الاسم الثلاثي:- أ. د.رياض عبد الحسين راضي البدراوي
الجامعة:- واسط / كلية التربية
الجنس:- ذكر
الجنسية:- عراقية
محل الولادة:- واسط – بدرة – 1967.
تاريخ الولادة :- 30/6/1967.
العنوان الكامل ورقم الهاتف:- العراق– واسط
رقم الهاتف المحمول:07814303992
الاختصاص العام:- تاريخ إسلامي
الاختاص الدقيق : المغول.
اللقب العلمي:- استاذ تاريخ الحصول عليه:- 2/1/2018 .
الشهادة والجهة المانحة وتاريخ الحصول عليها عنوان الأطروحة للماجستير او الدكتوراه:- الماجستير:اسعد بن مماتي وكتابه قوانين الدواوين :- جامعة بغداد - كلية آداب - قسم التاريخ 1997.
الدكتوراه:- تطور "الشيعة الامامية الاثنا عشرية" في العراق خلال عهد المغول الايلخانيين (656 – 738هـ/ 1258 – 1337م) دراسة تاريخية.جامعة بغداد- كلية الآداب- قسم التاريخ،2015.
البحوث المنشورة:-
1 - شعر الوزير الايوبي (مجلة كلية التربية /العدد الاول)جامعة واسط. 2006.
2 - اسلام ابي ذر بين رحمة الرواة وانصاف التاريخ/ضمن بحوث المؤتمر العلمي الثاني لكية التربية 2007.
3- الفاشوش في حكم قراقوش : الدوافع والأغراض(مجلة كلية التربية /العدد الثاني)2008
4- اضطهاد العرب للموالي في الدولة الأموية حقيقة أو وهم (دراسة تحليلية بين روايات الماضي وتأويلات المؤرخين المحدثين).(مجلة اداب ذي قار العدد الثالث 2011). جامعة ذي قار.
5- الواقع التاريخ للموالي في الدولة الاموية (مجلة لارك العدد الخامس 2011). كلية الاداب جامعة واسط.
6-معارضة ابي ذر الغفاري :الاسباب والدوافع والاهداف(مجلة كلية التربية العدد الثامن 2011). جامعة واسط.
7ـ دراسة اصطلاحية في مصطلح الشيعة، والامامية، والاثنا عشرية، والرافضة خلال حكم المغول الايلخانيين بين السنوات (656 – 738هـ/ 1258 – 1337م). بالاشتراك مع أ.د مرتضى حسن النقيب. (مجلة دراسات في التاريخ والاثار، 2014).كلية الاداب /جامعة بغداد
8ـ النشاط السياسي لـ " الشيعة الامامية الاثنا عشرية" في العراق أيام المغول الايلخانيين بين السنوات (654 ـ 694هـ/1256ـ 1294م). مجلة كلية الاداب، كلية الاداب، جامعة بغداد، 2014.
9ـ مكانة التصوف في مجتمع دولة مغول فارس والعراق (656 ـ 738هـ) (دراسة تاريخية)، مجلة لارك 2016
10ـ علاقة المؤسسة السياسية في دولة مغول فارس والعراق بالصوفية من 656-738هـ (دراسة تاريخية)مجلة لاراك 2017.
11ـ مرويات تقي الدين المقريزي عن الأمير الجلائري الشيخ حسن الكبير(740ـ 757هـ ) في كتابه السلوك (قراءة في رؤية المدرسة المملوكية لاحداث التاريخ الجلائري) مجلة الاداب، كلية الاداب، جامعة بغداد.
12ـ مرويات الرحالة ابن بطوطة عن سلطان دولة مغول فارس والعراق [الايلخانيين] بوسعيد بهادر(716ـ 736هـ) مجلة الآداب ، كلية الآداب جامعة بغداد.
13ـ المرأة في خانية القبيلة الذهبية (مغول القفجاق) من خلال رحلة ابن بطوطة، مجلة دراسات في التاريخ والاثار، كلية الاداب، جامعة بغداد.
14ـ العلاقات التيمورية ـ المملوكية في كتاب السلوك لمعرفة دول الملوك للمقريزي ، مجلة دراسات في التاريخ والاثار، كلية الاداب، جامعة بغداد.
15ـ تدوين الدعاء عند الامامية الاثنا عشرية الأسباب ولدوافع ، مجلة دراسات تاريخية بيت الحكمة 2020
16ـ تدوين الزيارة عند الامامية الاثنا عشرية الأسباب ولدوافع ، مجلة السبط ، كربلاء ، 2020
17ـ قراءة في مرويات الإمام علي في السور المكية عند الطبري في كتابه تفسير البيان، مجلة دراسات تاريخية بيت الحكمة 2021.
18ـ قراءة لمرويات الإمام علي في السور المدنية عند الطبري(ت310هـ) في كتابه تفسير البيان، مجلة الاطروحة، ك2 2021.
19ـ الوضع الاقتصادي للعراق كما راه المقدسي ، مشترك مجلة الاطروحة .ع 1 ك2 ، 2021
20ـ الوضع الديني للعراق كما راه المقدسي ، مسترك ، مجلة دراسات تاريخية بيت الحكمة 2021
21ـ الامام علي والقران في ضوء احاديث الرسول والصاحبة ، مشترك، المؤتمر الدولة الأول لقسم التاريخ كلية التربية للعلوم الإنسانية ، جامعة واسط.
22ـ الرواة المباشرون عن الامام علي في تفسير البيان للطبري،مشترك، مجلة الاطروحة .ع 1 شباط ، 2021.
23ـ الوضع السياسي العام كما رسمه ابن عبد ربه في كتابه العقد الفريد، مجلة واسط للعلوم الإنسانية (مقبول للنشر) 2021.
24ـ الحياة الاجتماعية في العراق كما صورها ابن عبد ربه في كتابه العقد الفريد، (مقبول للنشر) مجلة واسط للعلوم الإنسانية 2021
المؤلفات:- 1. كتاب بعنوان (اسعد بن مماتي حياته وشعره 544- 606هـ)/2006
2. كتاب بعنوان( ابو ذر الغفاري اسلامه ومعارضته) /طبعة اولى 2008دار الضياء –النجف الاشرف .طبعة ثانية 2012 دار تموز – دمشق.
3.كتاب بعنوان(الإسهامات الفكرية والاقتصادية للوزير الأيوبي اسعد بن مماتي)2008.
4- اضطهاد العرب للموالي في الدولة الاموية بين الشبهات والواقع التاريخي(دار تموز- دمشق2012).
5ـ الشيعة الامامية الاثنا عشرية (دراسة في تأريخهم السياسي والعقائدي بين السنوات 575 ـ 738هـ/1179 – 1337م) ( تحت الطبع).
6ـ مكانة التصوف في مجتمع دولة مغول فارس والعراق وعلاقته بالمؤسسة السياسية (656ـ 738هـ) (دراسة تأريخية) ، دار تموز للطباعة والنشر ، سوريا ـ دمشق، 2017.
7- الاضطهاد الديني للنصارى في الدول الاموية بين الرواية التاريخية والتحليل العلمي ( دار صفحات – سوريا 2023).
المؤتمرات العلمية:- 8
الندوات والورش مشاركا وحضورا:- اكثر من 120 .
المناصب الإدارية:-
1- مقرر قسم التاريخ
2- أمين مجلس الجامعة
3- مدير مكتب رئيس الجامعة
4- العضوية في الهيئات او المنظمات او المراكز......الخ:-
1- عضو اتحاد المؤرخين العرب
2- عضو جمعية المؤرخين والاثاريين العرب
3- عضو جمعية الاجتماعين العراقيين
4- عضو اكادمية نهر المعرفة الدولية .
أماكن العمل السابقة يذكر المكان والفترة:-
درست في ليبيا من 1997-2002
في داخل العراق من 2003 - وحتى ألان،
الاشراف والمناقشة وتقيم بحوث: اشرف وناقش عدد من رسائل الماجستير والدكتوراه وقيم عدد من البحوث العلمية .
اللجان التحقيقية والإدارية والعلمية: اكثر من 90 لجنة رئيسا وعضوا.
كتب الشكر والتقدير : اكثر من 65كتاب شكر وتقدير من الوزير ورئيس الجامعة وعمداء وهيأت من داخل العراق وخارج العراق .
Riyadh Abdul-Hussein Radhi Al-BdRAWY
Professor of Islamic History, the Mogul Era
Department of History, Wasit University, Kut, Iraq.
Born on 30.6.1967, Badra, Wasit, Iraq.
Address: Dept. of History, Wasit University, Kut, Iraq.
Mobile: 00964 7814303992
00964 7709400181
Email: rrathi@uowasit.edu.iq
1997 M.A. in History from the Department of History, College of Arts, Baghdad University.
The thesis title:
As’ad bin Mamati’s Book The Laws of the Diwans
1998-2002 Ph.D. in History from the Department of History, College of Arts, Baghdad University.
The dissertation title:
The Development of the Imami Shiites during the Ilkhan Mogul Era (656-738 H./1258-1337 AD): A Historical Study
- A teaching career in Libyan Universities 1997-2002.
- A teaching career in Iraqi Universities from 2003 to the present.
- Supervised, evaluated and examined a number of MA theses and Ph.D. Dissertations.
- Participated in more than 90 investigative, administrative and academic committees, either as chairman or member.
- Participated in 8 academic conferences, and in more than 120 symposia and workshops as presenter or attendant.
- Held the following positions:
1. Coordinator of the Department of History, College of Education, Wasit University.
2. Head of the Department of History College of Education, Wasit University.
3. Secretary of the Council of Wasit University.
4. Office manager of the President of the Wasit University.
Other Qualifications
1. Member of the Union of Arab Historians
2. Member of the Arab Historians and Archeologists Association
3. Member of the Iraqi Sociologists Association
4. Member of the International Academy of the River of Knowledge
Letters of Thanks
I have got more than 65 letters of thanks issued by the minister or the president of Wasit University or deans of colleges in Iraq or abroad.
1. As’ad bin Mammati: His Life and Poetry 544-606 H. 2006
2. Abu Zerr al-Ghifari: His Conversion to Islam and His Opposition. Najaf: Al-Dhiaa House, 2008. 2nd Ed. Damascus: Tammuz Publishing House, 2012.
3. Intellectual and Economic Contributions of the Ayyubid Wazir As’ad bin Mammati. 2008.
4. The Arab Oppression of Mawali (non-Arabs) in the Umayyad State between Falsifications and the Historical Reality. Damascus: Tammuz Publishing House, 2012.
5. The Status of Sophism in the Community of the Mongol State of Persia and Iraq and Its Relation to the Political Institution (656-738 H.): A Historical Study. Damascus: Tammuz Publishing House, 2017.
6. The Religious Oppression of Christians in the Umayyad State between Historical Accounts and Scientific Analysis. Damascus: Safahat Publishing House, 2023.
7. Twever Imami Shiites: A Study of Their Political and Religious History 575-738 H./1179-1337 AD. (Forthcoming)
1. The Poetry of al-Wazir al-Ayyubi. The Journal of the College of Education of Wasit University. Vol. 1, 2006.
2. Abu Zerr’s Conversion to Islam between the Mercy of the Narrators and the Justice of History. Pub. in the Brochure of the Second Academic Conference of the College of Education in 2007.
3. Al-Fashush fi Ahkam Karakush (The Stupid Judgments of Karakush): The Motivations and Purposes. The Journal of the College of Education, 2nd Issue, 2008.
4. Is Arab Oppression of the Mawalis (non-Arab Muslims) during the Umayyad Reign True or False? An Analysis Comparing the Past historical Accounts and the Views of Modern Historians. The Journal of the College of Arts of Thi Qar University, Vol. 3, 2011.
5. The Historical Reality of the Mawalis during the Umayyad Reign. Lark Journal of the College of Arts of Wasit University, Vol.5, 2011.
6. Abu Zerr’s Opposition: Causes, Motives and Aims. The Journal of the College of Education of Wasit University. Vol. 8, 2011.
7. A Terminological Study of the Terms Shiite, Imamism, Twelvism, and Rafidhism under the Ilkhan Mongol Reign during the Period (656-738 H./1258-1337 AD.). The Journal of Historical and Archeological Studies of the College of Arts, Baghdad University, 2014.
8. The Political Activism of Twelfver Imami Shiites in Iraq during the Ilkhan Mongol Reign during the Period (654-694 H./1256-1294 AD.) The Journal of the College of Arts, Baghdad University, 2014.
9. The Status of the Sophists in the Community of the Mongol State of Persia and Iraq: A Historical Study. The Journal of Lark, 2017.
10. The Relation of the Political Institution of the Mongol State of Persia and Iraq with the Sophists 656-738 H.: A Historical Study. The Journal of Lark, 2017.
11. Taqiyy al-Deen Al-Maqrizi’s Accounts about the Jalayirid Sultan Sheikh Hassan al-Kabir (740-757H.) in His Book The Way to Know Kings: A Reading of the Mamluk View of the Jalayirid History. The Journal of the College of Arts, Baghdad University.
12. Ibn Battuta’s Accounts about the Sultan of the Mongol Ilkhan State of Persia and Iraq, Bu Saeed Bahadir (716-736 H.) The Journal of the College of Arts, Baghdad University.
13. Women in the Kipchak Khanate of the Golden Horde as Described by Ibn Basttuta in His Travels. The Journal of Historical and Archeological Studies of the College of Arts, Baghdad University.
14. Timur-Mamluk Relations in Al-Maqrizi’s Book The Way to Know Kings. The Journal of Historical and Archeological Studies of the College of Arts, Baghdad University.
15. Writing Down Supplications by Twelver Imami Shiite: Causes and Motivations. The Journal of Historical Studies of Bayt al-Hikma, 2020.
16. Writing Down Shrines Pilgrimage Supplications by Twelver Imami Shiite: Causes and Motivations. The Journal of al-Sibt, Kerbala, 2020.
17. A Reading of Imam Ali’s Statements about Meccan Suras as Interpreted by al-Tabari in his Tafseer. The Journal of Historical Studies of Bayt al-Hikma, 2021.
18. A Reading of Imam Ali’s Statements about Medina Suras as Interpreted by al-Tabari in his Tafseer. Al-Utruha Journal, Jan., 2021.
19. Al-Maqdisi’s View of the Economic Conditions of Iraq. Al-Utruha Journal, Vol.1, Jan., 2021.
20. Al-Maqdisi’s View of the Religious Conditions of Iraq.The Journal of Historical Studies of Bayt al-Hikma, 2021.
21. Imam Ali and the Quran in the Light of the Tradition of the Messenger and His Followers. 1st International Conference of the Department of History of the College of Education, Wasit University.
22. Direct Narrators from Imam Ali in al-Tabari’s Tafseer. Al-Utruha Journal. 1st Issue, Feb., 2021.
23. The Public Political Conditions as Described by Ibn Abd Rabbih in His Book al-Ikd al-farid "The Unique Necklace". Wasit Journal for Human Sciences, 2021.
24. The Social Conditions of Iraq as Described by Ibn Abd Rabbih in His Book al-Ikd al-farid "The Unique Necklace". Wasit Journal for Human Sciences, 2021.