ئوميد محمد شريف

ئوميد محمد شريف

Welcome to my Academic Profile

My name is Omed Mohammed Sharif. I am a lecturer and holding (MSc) degree in Accounting And Finance from University of Portsmouth,I am teaching at the Department of Accounting Department - University College of Goizha in Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq.

Currently I am Accounting Department Manger .

I am head of the Accounting Department Manger for nearly a year.

Email Address: omed.sharif@uog.edu.iq

Mobile: +964(0)7701586986

I teach several topics at my faculty, i.e.

1.Accounting Equation

2.Income Statement

3.Statement of shareholders Equity

4.Balance Sheet

5.Cash Flow Statement

My Research interest focus on the following areas:

  1. Accounting System

  2. Gaap And IFRS

  3. Unified Accounting System