TESL 770 Culminating Experience

Weiwei Xu

About This Portfolio!

Hi there, welcome to my space. In this e-portfolio, I will post all materials that I have written or used in the past 2 years, as well as my reflections. Hopefully, my experience and ideas about teaching English Language Learners will provide you with some inspirations and guidance in your own studying and teaching!

Table of Contents

About Me: A brief introduction of the author

Research: Reflection, Assignments & Rubrics of Research Courses (EPY 702, ESP 763Q & EPY 721)

TESOL Standard 1--Language: Reflection, Assignments & Rubrics (TESL 750, TESL 751, TESL 755 & CIL 610)

TESOL Standard 2--Instruction: Reflection, Assignments & Rubrics (TESL 752 & TESL 753)

TESOL Standard 3-- Assessment: Reflection, Assignments & Rubrics ( TESL 754)

TESOL Standard 4-- Culture: Reflection, Assignments & Rubrics (ESP 722)

TESOL Standard 5-- Professionalism: Reflection, Assignments & Rubrics (TESL 757)