D-S2 Research Group

Data-centric Smart and Sustainable
"Human – Technology – Built Environment Interaction" 

Welcome to D-S2 Research Group!

Our vision is to develop "Human-Technology-Built Environment Interaction" as a driving force of sustainable/resilient buildings, communities and cities. 

D-S2 Research Group, directed by Dr. Jeehee Lee, focuses on multimodal data analysis and smart technologies for (1) innovative and intelligent construction project management, (2) smart and connected communities (S&CC), and (3) human-centered built environment. 

In an era where Big Data is transforming information sciences, data analytics contribute to major innovation by providing exciting opportunities for substantial breakthroughs and more solid decisions in the construction industry through its various phases. Given the nature of the human experience-oriented construction and civil engineering industry, useful data come from everywhere – from projects to the buildings themselves. D-S2 Research Group research focuses on applying data-driven machine learning models to relevant problems including data structures and human factors in the field of construction and building science.