
Professor Efracio received a BS in Applied physics from the University of Tacna - Peru and an MS and PhD in physics from the University of Pelotas - Brasil. Professor Efracio was a contracted professor of physics at the University of Moquegua before joining the Department of Physics at the Jorge Basadre Grohmann National University.


I am broadly interested in theoretical condensed matter physics, in particular, quantum mechanical aspects of condensed matter systems. My main research area is about the study of material properties such as structure and electronic, using density functional theory (DFT), especially at surfaces and interfaces, that are relevant for energy applications and environmental remediation, e.g., metal oxides and photovoltaics.

Investigador del Concytec, 2019-2022

Áreas de investigación

  • Density Functional Theory (DFT)

  • Structure and Electronic of Materials

  • Metal oxides and photovoltaics