Haifa TOUATI, Phd

Associate Professor in Computer Science

Faculty of Sciences of Gabes

University of Gabes, Tunisia

Mail : haifa.touati@univgb.tn


Haifa TOUATI is an associate professor in Computer Science at the Faculty of Sciences of Gabes (FSG), Tunisia. She is the head of “Hatem Bettahar IResCoMath” Research Lab (LR20ES17) in the Faculty of Sciences of Gabes, where she leads a team of dedicated researchers working on distributed systems, networking, security, communication and mathematics. Previously she has been coordinator and co-founder of the professional Master's degree in Security and Networking. She has also seved as coordinator of the research Master's degree in Computer Science and Networking in the Faculty of Sciences of Gabes.

She received her HDR from the National School of Computer Science (ENSI), Tunisia in 2021 and her Ph.D. in Computer Science from ENSI in 2011. Prior to that, she received her Master of Science and Engineering degree both in Computer Science from ENSI in 2004 and 2001, respectively. 

Her teaching interests focus on computer networks and cyber security. Since 2015, she has been a certified instructor for 5 Cisco certifications namely Cyber Security Operations, Introduction to Networks, Routing & Switching, Scaling Networks and Connecting Networks. 

She is currently serving on several reputed international conference Technical Program Committees. She is also  reviewer in several international journals and conferences. Her current research interests include future Internet architectures, Security, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence. She is the author of more than 50 articles and papers in refereed journals and international conferences.

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