
The Curriculum Development, Revision and Monitoring Committee of the Faculty of Agriculture [CDRMC-FoAg] is the sub-committee of the Faculty Board of Faculty of Agriculture and possesses the overall responsibility of ensuring the development of curriculum or updating the existing curriculum periodically, developing curricula for new study programmes, periodical revision, monitoring the delivery, evaluation, and enhancement of the curriculum of each study programme of the Faculty of Agriculture to align with the Sri Lankan qualification framework level 6 (SLQF6) and subject benchmark statement of each study programmee.


·     Evaluate the need for the revision of the existing curriculum of the study programme periodically

·     Make recommendations to the Faculty Board on revised curriculum.

·     Obtain the recommendations of the FB for the amended curriculum.

·     Review the curriculum of any proposed new degree programme/certificate courses/diploma courses and make recommendations to the Faculty Board.

·     Ensure that the curriculum is in line with SLQF requirements and Subject Benchmark Statements (SBS)

·     Recommend any amendments in existing course outlines to the Faculty Board

·     Evaluate and recommend policies and procedures related to curriculum development, monitoring and revision

·     Develop a mechanism to monitor the implementation of the curriculum to accomplish the PLOs of the study program and ILOs of the courses

·     Advise the Faculty Board on measures of the quality of teaching, learning, assessment method and the student performance.

·     Enhance the skills of academic staff

1.     Ex Officio members

Chairperson of the CDRMC: The Dean of the Faculty by position.

Heads of the Departments [HODs]: by position

2.     Nominated members

 #One Professor from each department/ Discipline: Nominated by the Faculty Board

One permanent staff from each department: A confirmed academic staff nominated by the Heads of the Departments

3.     Invited members

   All the Coordinators of common courses

Coordinator of the IQAC of the Faculty of Agriculture

Any experts or staff members invited for a purpose by the Faculty Board

Note: One member among the HODs and the nominees shall be appointed as the coordinator of CDRMC by the faculty board;

# if there is no professor at any department, the faculty board shall nominate a senior staff member from that department 


·       The Head of the Department [HOD] is responsible for developing or revising the respective section of the curriculum of the courses offered by the Department.

·       The HOD shall be the responsible person to address the comments made by the curriculum developed or revised by the department at the CDRMC- FoAg meetings.

·       HODs and Coordinators of common courses are the authorized persons to communicate with the CDRMC Chairperson/Coordinator to discuss the curriculum related issues for the courses developed/revised by the department and common courses, respectively.

TOR of the CDRMC revised in year 2024. The 34th Meeting of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the faculty of Agriculture held on 03.10.2024 and 244th meeting of FB of Agriculture held on 21st October 2024  recommended to get the approval of the senate.-Chairperson/CDRMC. 485th [S/485/16/AGR/i] senate held on 05.11.2024 approved the revised TOR. As per the TOR, new CDRMC formed at 245th meeting of the faculty of Agriculture with effect from 16.12.2024 

CDRMC Members

Annual Plan: 2024