The Space Syntax Workshop of Biskra (SSWB) is an International Workshop organized conjointly by the Department of Architecture and LACOMOFA (University of Biskra), that aims to introduce space syntax in Algeria and create a platform where both well-established and young researchers meet with scholars and leading researchers in the field.

This year, the 2nd Biskra International Space syntax Workshop: Urban open spaces, will be held on February 16-17, 2020. During The two days of the event, the SSWB staff is inviting you to share your insight and recent studies on space syntax and urban open spaces (public) with a POSTER presentation.

Workshop Themes

The SSWB especially invites poster submissions on SPACE SYNTAX AND URBAN OPEN SPACES, while other Space Syntax themes are also certainly welcome.

The not exhaustive list of themes includes:

          • Generative Design and Planning
          • Urban open spaces analysis
          • Urban Space and Social, Economic and Cultural Phenomena
          • Urban Strategic and Transport planning
          • Urban environment and spatial cognition
          • Modelling and Methodological Development
          • Applying space syntax analysis in the design process
          • Historical Evolution of Built Form
          • Spatial Cognition and Behaviours
          • Spatial Network analysis

Key Dates

Abstract submission deadline : January 04th, 2020 (it is extended to the 07th of January , 2020)

Abstract acceptance Notification : January 07 th, 2020

Poster submission deadline : January 30 th, 2020

Poster acceptance Notification : February 03rd, 2020

Workshop Date : February 16-17, 2020

Submission Guidelines


We invite abstract submissions up to 2 pages. The abstract can be written in English, French or Arabic, in Times New Roman font, 12 pt, 1,5 spacing between lines, 6 pt spacing and 3 cm margins.

The submission must mention: the title, the authors & their affiliations, the topic, the abstract, and the keywords.

Title: The title should be as brief as possible but long enough to indicate clearly the nature of the study.

Authors & affiliations:

    • PhD student. Name Family1 - Times New Roman, bold, 12
    • Dr. Name Family2 - Times New Roman, bold, 12

1 Name of the University - Times New Roman, 10

2 Name of the affiliation - Times New Roman, 10

Corresponding Author: Email

Theme : Choose one of the two main themes


Abstract: It should state briefly and clearly the purpose, methods, results and conclusions of the work.

Introduction: Clearly state the purpose of the abstract

Methods: Describe your selection of observations or experimental subjects clearly

Results: Present your results in a logical sequence in text, tables and illustrations

Discussion: Emphasize new and important aspects of the study and conclusions that are drawn from them

Keywords: keyword1, keyword2, keyword3…- max 5 keywords


Your poster should convey your key findings and be visually appealing to grab the attention of attendees. So be clear, concise and creative. To supplement your poster, prepare handouts and be ready to answer questions and explain your research in greater detail.

Panel dimensions:

Poster must be vertically oriented and adhere to the following dimensions (print):

PANEL Format A0 : 841 x 1189 mm

Top of the poster :

  • Title of your presentation, sub-title, the author, contact information (website, email, social media and phone number) .

Main body of the poster :

  • Organize the content of your poster much like the outline of a journal article so it's easy to read.
  • Start off with a succinct introduction and a brief description of the methodology used for your research followed by a results and discussion section.
  • Make sure the results and discussion section clearly identify the problem, result and conclusion for each of your key findings. Short and sweet is best!

Bottom of the poster :

  • Include a conclusion that either summarizes your work or informs attendees about your future research

3/ Poster Presentation

  • Poster presentation February 16, 2020 (08:00- 09:00)
  • Participants are asked to bring their printed poster with them as no poster printers will be available at the conference.
  • The poster boards will be available for putting up posters on February 16, 2020 at 8:00
  • Each poster will be allocated a location and will be recognizable by the poster identification number, you will find a label on the board.

How to Submit

Abstract submission deadline  :  January 04th, 2020

(it is extended to the 07th of January , 2020)

Abstract submission information :

  • Please read the submission rules before submitting an abstract.
  • Abstracts must be submitted via online abstract submission, (GOOGLE ACCOUNT is required).
  • Abstracts should be uploaded as a PDF , DOCX or DOC files no longer than 2 pages.
  • The abstract file name should include author name on it (as the following : LastName-FirstName.docx).
  • To proceed with the abstract submission , Please press on the <Submit Abstract> button bellow.
Poster submission deadline  :  January 30, 2020

Poster submission information (Only for accepted poster abstracts) :

  • Please read the submission rules before submitting a Poster.
  • Poster must be submitted via online poster submission form, (GOOGLE ACCOUNT is required).
  • Posters should be uploaded as a PDF file.
  • The poster file name should include author name on it (as the following : LastName-FirstName.pdf).
  • To proceed with the poster submission , Please press on the <Submit Poster> button bellow.

After abstract acceptance notification.


For further information, please contact us by:

Email : syntax.workshop.biskra.2020@gmail.com

Phone : 05 56 18 31 88