The research lines in our group pertain to the study of mathematical structures emerging from fundamental theoretical physics and interdisciplinary applications. In particular, the group members have interests in:

You can learn about these topics (and others) by attending our seminars and special events that we organize regularly. 

The Department has several openings for various positions every year. Some of the opportunities to join our group are summarized here.

Forthcoming Events

September 11-12, 2025 - QuanTO Lectures

Title: TBA

Program: TBA

Lecturer: Roberto Longo (Roma 2)

Place and Time: TBA

Organizers: R. Adami, L. Andrianopoli, A.Cavaglià, D. Martelli, M. Meineri, F. Nieri, S. I. Trapasso, M. TrigianteSponsors: PoliTo, UniTo and INFN

Past Events

January 30, 2025 - QuanTO Lectures 


Title: Bogoliubov Theory for Dilute Bose Gases

Program: I am going to review recent progress in the mathematical understanding of the low-energy properties of dilute quantum systems. In particular, I am going to present a rigorous version of Bogoliubov theory and I am going to show how it can be used to obtain precise estimates for the ground state energy and the low-energy excitation spectrum and also to approximate the time evolution of Bose gases in the so-called Gross-Pitaevskii regime.

Lecturer: Benjamin Schlein (Zürich U.)

Place and Time:

Organizers: R. Adami, L. Andrianopoli, A.Cavaglià, D. Martelli, M. Meineri, F. Nieri, S. I. Trapasso, M. TrigianteSponsors: PoliTo, UniTo and INFN

September 19-20, 2024 - Mini-Course

Title: Introduction to Non-Invertible Symmetries

Program: These are two introductory lectures on the broad notion of generalized symmetries and their applications to Quantum Field Theory. The covered topics include:


- Sub-topics 1 and 2: [arXiv:1802.04445], [arXiv:2308.00747], [arXiv:2307.02534], [arXiv:2401.12281]

- Sub-topics 3 and 4: [arXiv:1412.5148], [arXiv:2204.09025], [arXiv:2205.05086], [arXiv:2205.01104]

Lecturer: Noppadol Mekareeya (Milano B.)

Place and Time: Math Dept. "G. Peano", Aula Magna (Floor 2), 10.30 - 13.00.

Organizers: D. Martelli, F. NieriPoster: Download hereLecture Notes: Download hereSponsors: UniTo and INFN

The webpage of the season 2023-24 can be found here.