
Meetings and seminars taking place at UNITN

Forthcoming seminars

Click here for the list of previous seminars

  • Lorenzo Barban (Università di Trento)

March 23rd, 2022, 14:00 (aula Seminari -1 Povo0 e zoom)

Title: Mori dream regions and C*-actions


The notion of Mori dream region (MDR for short) has been introduced by Y. Hu and S. Keel as a generalization of Mori dream spaces. In this talk we establish a correspondence between MDR associated to small Q-factorial modifications and certain C*-actions on polarized pairs (X,L), with X normal projective and L ample and C*-linearizable, called bordisms. This talk is based on a joint work in progress with E. A. Romano (University of Genova), L. E. Solá Conde (University of Trento), and S. Urbinati (University of Udine).

  • Klaus Altmann (Freie Universität Berlin)

April 6th, 2022, 14:00 (aula Seminari -1 Povo0 e zoom)

Title: The structure of exceptional sequence on toric varieties of Picard rank two


For a smooth projective toric variety of Picard rank two we classify all exceptional sequences of invertible sheaves which have maximal length. In particular, we prove that unlike non-maximal sequences, they

(a) remain exceptional under lexicographical reordering

(b) satisfy strong height constraints in the Picard lattice

(c) are full, that is, they generate the derived category of the variety.

Moreover, we determine the exceptional poset of those sequences and show how this poset governs the property "strongly exceptional".

(This is joint work with Frederik Witt, Stuttgart; see arXiv:2112.14637 [math.AG])

Workshops and other activities

  • We organized the workshop: "Newton-Okounkov bodies and Fanosearch". Levico Terme, October 5-8, 2021. Further information here.

  • Information about other CIRM events here.

Working groups and regular meetings

  • CIRM (Centro Internazionale per la Ricerca Matematica) : conducts seminars and meetings regarding mathematics research. Information about next activities here.

  • Tensor group. Coordinator: Alessandra Bernardi. The group organizes working meetings twice a month. Besides, the group organizes the joint seminars Quantum Info-Geo-Alg on the relations of Algebraic Geometry with Quantum Physics and Quantum Information. Further information here.

  • PopMat. Coordinator: Claudio Fontanari. Laboratory of communication, history and philosophy of mathematics. Further information here.

  • What is...Seminar. Coordinator: Alessandro Oneto. Inspired by the section "What is..." of the Notices of AMS. Brief seminars (20-25 minutes) on a single topic. For further information contact the coordinator

Who are we?

  • Marco Andreatta

  • Edoardo Ballico

  • Alessandra Bernardi

  • Antonio Carbone

  • Alex Casarotti

  • Claudia De Lazzari

  • Federico Fallucca

  • Camilla Felisetti

  • Claudio Fontanari

  • Alberto Franceschini

  • Riccardo Ghiloni

  • Gianluca Occhetta

  • Alessandro Oneto

  • Alessandro Perotti

  • Roberto Pignatelli

  • Elisa Postinghel

  • Eleonora A. Romano

  • Pierpaola Santarsiero

  • Enrico Savi

  • Luis E. Solá Conde

  • Reynaldo Staffolani


Dipartimento di Matematica

Università degli Studi di Trento

Via Sommarive 14

38123, Trento