
"This was great. I learned a lot, and I feel like I am ready now to go and speak."
Melinda, Class of 2023 | Melinda, Clase de 2023

Thank you for visiting the Washington County Equitable Housing Coalition website. This is a three-year program (2020-2023) funded by The Meyer Memorial Trust. The Washington County Chapter of Unite Oregon collaborated with two non-profit partners, Community Housing Funds (CHF) and HomePlate Youth Services, to develop a curriculum and facilitate the workshops.

Housing Issues in Washington County
Problemas de Vivienda en el Condado de Washington

En español


In English

An Introduction to Affordable Housing
Una introducción a la Vivienda Asequible


Banda sonora española


English soundtrack

An Introduction to Affordable Housing WCEHC 2-9-23.pptx
Spanish - An Introduction to Affordable Housing WCEHC 2-9-23.pptx

Advocacy 101: Advocating for Change!
Defensa 101: ¡Abogando por el Cambio!

Advocacy 101: Advocating for Change! - WCEHC__March 2, 2023
Spanish - Advocacy 101: Advocating for Change! - WCEHC__March 2, 2023

Washington County Housing Services Equity & Access
Equidad y Acceso de Servicios de Vivienda del Condado de Washington

Navigating Affordable Housing Presentation_final 3_16_2023.pdf
Equidad y Acceso de Servicios de Vivienda del Condado de Washington.pdf