Back to School


Schedules will be going live in Infinite Campus parent/student portals on August 5th @ 4:00 p.m. Please log in to find your schedule, team, locker and guidance counselor. Once you have your team assignment CLICK HERE for team/course information.

Transportation routes available to view in Infinite Campus August 15th. Any Questions?

Please reach out to First Student at 309-557-4287.

Before School Care

Please note we will be offering a before school supervision program for families that are interested. Students will be supervised by a teacher (teaching assistant on late start days) from 7:20 a.m. - 8:20 a.m. Parents will be responsible for transporting their child to school each day. The program fee is $85.00 per quarter. The fee needs to be paid prior to the quarter starting. Sixth grade students will be given priority if spots become limited. Those that sign up first will be granted the first opportunity to participate. The supervision program continues throughout the year on all student attendance days. Please click HERE to access the sign up form.

PE Clothes

All students are required to have a grey t-shirt and black athletic shorts for PE. You may use the following link to place an order from Select Screen Prints. Uniforms ordered before Aug 5th will be delivered to school shortly after the beginning of the school year and handed out during class. Anyone wanting to order a uniform AFTER that date needs to see their PE teacher upon arrival to the school year.

PE Clothes Link

ADVISORY? More Info Here


AUGUST 9, 10 & 11, 9:00AM - 11:00AM & 1:00PM-3:00PM


During this time, you can take a self-guided tour, practice walking schedules, set up lockers, (no tape or hot glue, magnets only to adhere anything), purchase locks, drop off school supplies in lockers, and drop off physicals for 6th graders & athletes.


Students will be using lockers during the school year (before, during and after school). This means backpacks will be housed in lockers and cannot be carried or used in classes.


Cell phones are to be on silent and not visible. Students will not be permitted to have them at lunch or during pass periods. "Silent and Away throughout the day!" is the message for the year. Please reiterate this with your students. If you need to get a message to your child please call the main office.

Middle School Math

Unit 5 has a streamlined process for determining student's math placements. Please review the most up to date FAQ and if you still have questions please contact Mrs. Boyd.

News from Family Coordinator!

Welcome Back Eagle Families! We are all so excited for a great school year. School success comes from strong partnerships between school staff, students, community and caring and engaged adults at home!! Big THANK YOU to you caring adults who do so much to support your students!! You are appreciated and valued!! We hope your students are ready to start because as Lizzo says, "It's about that time"! :)

Here are some pro tips from your family coordinator, Kelly, for the start of the school year:

-The USDA will no longer be providing free meals to all students. However, free and reduced meals are still available to families that qualify and apply.

The application can be found here

-Unit 5 is again partnering with District 87 and The Back to School Alliance to provide backpacks full of school supplies to eligible students entering prek-8th grade. In order to receive this you must first complete all registration requirements and fill out the free and reduced application. The backpack event will take place on Thursday, August 11 from noon-6pm at State Farm Corporate South. This will be a drive through event. Bus transportation will be available throughout the community. Invitations will be mailed the first week in August to those who have already completed registration.

- Follow Mclean County U5 on FaceBook for all the most up to date district wide events and information!

- Email Kelly at with questions.

Arrival and Dismissal from School

  • School Hours 8:45 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.

  • Office Hours 8:00 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.

Drop off:

    • Students are welcome in the building after 8:25 a.m. (building is locked and no staff on duty until that time). Please do not allow students out of cars until that time due to safety measures.

    • Student Drop off is in the back of the building, students may NOT cross the bus lane to enter or exit the building for safety.

Pick Up:

  • Students must either immediately get on a bus after school or be picked up (in the back pick up lane) by 3:55 p.m. We do not have supervision for students after 3:55 p.m. unless they are participating in a club, athletics or special event.

Bus Reminders

While students are on the bus, they are under the supervision of the bus driver. Parents are encouraged to discuss bus safety and appropriate behavior with their children before the beginning of the school year and regularly during the year. Reminder that bus riding is a privilege that may be revoked.

  • Bus behavior has the same expectations as the school/classroom.

  • Students should be waiting at their bus stop on time.

  • Enter and exit the bus only when the bus is fully stopped.

  • Do not move from one seat to another while on the bus.

  • While on the bus and while the bus is in motion, students must stay in their seats with arms and legs out of the aisle.

  • Please keep voice level low to minimize distractions to the bus driver.

  • Reminder the cell phone use should be appropriate. There should be no taking pictures, movies, or recordings while on the bus.

Dress Code Reminders

Students are to use discretion in their dress and are not permitted to wear apparel that causes a substantial disruption in the school environment.

  • Student dress (including accessories) may not advertise, promote, or picture alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, violent behavior, or other inappropriate images.

  • Coat and sunglasses may not be worn in the building during the school day.

  • No head coverings are allowed that obscure the view of the student's face.

  • Clothing that fails to adequately cover the body will not be permitted.

  • Appropriate foot wear must be worn at all times. Slippers and shoes with wheels are prohibited.

Please note that a student whose dress causes a substantial disruption to the school environment will be asked to correct the violation before returning to class.


  • August 9, 10 & 11 - Locker Decorating or Schedule Walk Thru (9-11 & 1-3)

  • August 15 - Bus Routes Available in Infinite Campus

  • August 15 & 16 - Teacher Institute Days - Building Closed to Students/Families

  • August 17 - FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!

  • August 17 - Students will receive their devices

  • August 18 - Nest Fest 6-730 p.m. - Food Trucks available, building open for families!

  • August 23 - PTO Meeting 6 p.m. - All Parents are Welcome!

  • August 30 - 5th Grade Band & Orchestra Begin