All About Me...

Hello! My name is Cindy Nourie and I am one of the 3rd grade teachers at Grove Elementary. I am originally from Pontiac and was raised on a farm where my parents still reside. I attended Illinois Wesleyan University majoring in Elementary Education for my Bachelors degree and started my first teaching position in 2001 at Grove Elementary when it opened. I then attended Illinois State University during my career to obtain my Masters in Reading degree, and this is my 21st year of teaching!

My husband and I live in Normal and have two children. Carley is in Kindergarten this year at Grove and Dylan is a very busy 2 year old! We enjoy family time, boating with friends, and love to watch our kids learn and grow! Some of my favorites include coffee, caramel anything, chips and salsa, the Fall season, animals, kind people, and flowers! My favorite subject to teach is Math and I became a teacher because I love children and want to help shape our future. The most exciting part of my teaching day is when kids make connections to what they are learning and are excited to share with others. I enjoy my job because kids are funny, and there is a lot of excitement in an elementary building! Grove Elementary is a wonderful place to be.

I'm ready for my new fantastic group of 3rd graders and I am looking forward to this new year. I can't wait to get to know you and your families soon!

Looking forward to a great year! ~Mrs. Nourie