Dear colleagues -

We're writing to update you on the status of the EARCOS MS Leadership Conference at UNIS Hanoi March 13-14, 2020.

After careful consideration of the situation here in Hanoi, the recent cancellation of the EARCOS Teachers Conference in Bangkok, and a discussion involving many of you via email and chat, we have decided to CANCEL the EARCOS MS Leadership Conference at UNIS Hanoi March 13-14, 2020.

The safety and health of our student body and you, our global community, is our highest priority. As the COVID 19 situation is evolving in Vietnam and our region we have followed recommendations from the World Health Organization and local government agencies. In light of changing travel restrictions, we felt the need to make the decision to cancel at this time rather than postpone into an unsure future.

Please know that if you have paid registration fees to UNIS Hanoi already, those will be refunded ASAP. Cancellations of hotel and flight reservations may reference this email and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

It is really unfortunate as we looked forward to welcoming you all to Hanoi. Keep in touch and stay healthy.


Marc, JJ and the MS Team

Click below for more about UNIS Hanoi, the host school of the MS/HS EARCOS Leadership Conference