Paola Stefanelli
Tenured Assistant Professor
(Ricercatrice RTDb)

Università del Salento
Lecce, Italy

Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, Professore di II Fascia, IT
(National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor)

My research activity focuses on the interaction between set-theoretical solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation and some algebraic structures, such as skew braces, cycle sets, racks, and their generalizations, with special attention to constructive aspects of solutions and their reflections.
Moreover, I am interested in determining set-theoretical solutions to the pentagon equation on specific classes of semigroups.
Another interest is to describe regular subgroups of an affine group of a vector space.

My CV can be found here.


Since 2021, I have organized a series of seminars with Francesco Catino and Marzia Mazzotta.
We aim to discuss current algebra topics in an informal and interactive setting.

Since April 2024, I have been the Managing Editor of the open-access journal Advances in Group Theory and Applications.
Manuscripts can be submitted here.

E-mail: paola.stefanelli[at]