BDAMI 2024

IEEE Workshop on Big Data Analytics for Medical Imaging 

In conjunction with IEEE Big Data 2024 Washington DC, USA

"AI-guided Big Data Analytics for Medical Imaging" on Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP) Springer.


Medical imaging technology has resulted in an unprecedented volume of diagnostic data from a variety of sources, including computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), radiography, and more. However, the key problem is no longer just capturing high-resolution pictures, but also effectively understanding and extracting information from this vast amount of data. This is where Big Data analytics come in.

Big Data analytics in medical imaging seeks to extract important information, detect patterns and trends, and assist critical clinical choices. This approach, further helped by machine learning and deep learning techniques not only promises to improve diagnostic and treatment accuracy, but also to increase operational efficiency in healthcare services.

This workshop aims to attract the interest of Big Data and Medical Imaging researchers in developing novel methodologies, datasets, and approaches for diagnosis, patient treatment, medical image management optimization, and misinformation and disinformation detection. 


BDAMI is aimed at different categories of professionals interested in harnessing the potential of Big Data in medical imaging.

Medical process support

Medical Image security

Medical Image Processing

Medical Image Dataset


September 20, 2024: Due date for full workshop papers submission

Nov 4, 2024: Notification of paper acceptance to authors

Nov 20, 2024: Camera-ready of accepted papers

Dec 15, 2024: Workshop (Full Online)


Authors are invited to submit papers up to 10 pages references included (6 to 8 pages are recommended) in the IEEE 2-column format (IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscript template) that can be found here.

All papers must be submitted via the conference submission system for the workshop.

Full registration of IEEE BigData 2024 is required for at least one of the authors for participating in the workshop. 

Registration details and fees will be made available soon. 


Carmen Bisogni

University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy

Shaohua Wan

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Shenzhen, China

Marco Salvatore Zappatore

University of Salento, Lecce, Italy

Program Committee

To Be Updated


For any information, please contact

Carmen Bisogni
University of Salerno
Salerno, Italy


"AI-guided Big Data Analytics for Medical Imaging"

The authors of chosen papers presented at BDAMI24 have the opportunity to submit an extended version of their contributions that incorporates both the reviewers' comments on their conference paper and the feedback obtained during the conference presentation. It is important to note that the extended version is expected to contain a significant scientific contribution, such as new algorithms, experiments, or qualitative/quantitative comparisons, and to not transfer large sections of the conference paper.

The link to the call for papers will be soon available.