Electrochemical Extraction and RecoVery Of Lithium Contained in ItAlian GrouNdwater BrInes by Using End-of-Life Lithium-Ion Batteries Cathode Materials

Li extraction and recovery from Italian groundwater brines 

Energy storage systems based on Li-ion batteries (LIBs) are crucial for the energy transition. However, the key components of these batteries, including lithium, are listed as critical raw materials (CRM) for the EU. To support EU growth and the energy transition, a stable supply of these materials is essential. Despite recycling is important for recovering battery materials and managing their disposal, it can only meet a small portion of the raw material demand due to the low number of devices reaching their end-of-life (EoL) in the next years. Inevitably, extracting CRM from primary sources within the EU becomes necessary to sustain LIBs production and mitigate supply risks. On the other hand, mining activities face public resistance, making it challenging to establish new mining sites within the EU. In this context, this VOLCANIC project proposes an alternative approach for Li recovery from Italian brines using electrochemical methods. The concept involves selectively intercalating Li into hosting materials using Italian brines as the electrolyte in the electrochemical cell. After the intercalation of Li into the materials, by reversing the current direction, Li can be released into a pure water solution. Repeating this procedure allows concentrate Li in a pure solution thus facilitating its recovery.

Remarkably, the method that will be developed within the project will not involve the addition of any reagent to the brines thus the treated brines maintain their initial specifications, potentially allowing their reintroduction into the groundwater system. 

Dini et al. https:// doi.org/10.3390/min12080945