Ileana Milani

Research Associate

This page is no longer maintained. Last update: 06/2020.

Dept. of Information Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications (DIET) , Sapienza University of Rome

Via Eudossiana, 18 - 00184, Rome, Italy

Tel: +39 0644585412


Ileana Milani was born in Rome in 1991. She received both her B.Sc. and M.Sc. (cum Laude) in Communication Engineering, from Sapienza University of Rome, in 2013 and 2016, respectively. She received her PhD degree in Radar and Remote Sensing in February 2020 and she is currently a PostDoctoral Researcher at the DIET Dept. of Sapienza University of Rome.

Research Activity

Her current research interests include:

  • Fusion of active and passive RF systems for localization of human targets and small objects in local area environment;

  • WiFi-based passive radar systems.

PhD thesis "Wi-Fi sensing: fusion of non-cooperative and device-based RF sensors for short-range localization".


Conference Proceedings

  • I. Milani, F. Colone, P. Lombardo, "2D Localization with WiFi Passive Radar and Device-Based Techniques: An Analysis of Target Measurements Accuracy", 2018 19th International Radar Symposium (IRS), Bonn, Germany, 20-22 June 2018.

  • I. Milani, F. Colone, C. Bongioanni, P. Lombardo, "Impact of Beacon Interval on the performance of WiFi-based passive radar against human targets", 2018 22nd International Microwave and Radar Conference (MIKON), Poznan, Poland, 14-17 May 2018.

  • I. Milani, F. Colone, C. Bongioanni, P. Lombardo, "WiFi emission-based vs passive radar localization of human targets", 2018 IEEE Radar Conference, Oklahoma City, OK, USA, 23-27 April 2018.

Speeches at National and International Workshops

  • I. Milani, C. Bongioanni, F. Colone, P. Lombardo, "2D Localization of UAVs and human targets with WiFi-based PBR and PSL", 2019 3rd Italian Workshop on Radar and Remote Sensing, Rome, Italy, 30-31 May 2019.

  • I. Milani, F. Colone, C. Bongioanni, P. Lombardo, "Localization of Human Targets: WiFi Emission-Based vs Passive Radar Techniques", 2018 2nd Italian Workshop on Radar and Remote Sensing, Pavia, Italy, 28-29 May 2018.