Lavinia Amorosi

Position: Assistant Professor in Operational Research (RtdA) and Qualified for Associate Professor in MAT/09 (ASN II fascia) on 22-12-2022

Affiliation: Department of Statistical Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome

Address: P.le Aldo Moro 00185, Rome 

My ongoing researches

A multiusers multiobjective navigation system for sustainable mobility in smart cities

A Criterion Space Search Algorithm for Bi-Objective

Mixed Integer Linear Programs

Optimal Drone Routing for Seal Pup Counts

Optimization Models for the Installation Planning of Offshore Wind Farms

Conferences and workshops organization

10th edition of the RAMOO Workshop on "Recent Advances in Multi-Objective Optimization"

September 14th, 2023 

50th edition of the ODS International Conference of AIRO,

September  2021

4th edition of the AIROYoung Workshop,

Bozen 2020

3rd edition of the AIROYoung Workshop + 1st AIROYoung PhD School,

Rome 2019

1st edition of the AIROYoung Workshop,

Rome 2017

1st edition of the EUROYoung Workshop,

Seville 2019



Academic teaching, Ph.D level


Lecturer, course "Multi-Objective Optimization", PhD Program in Math,

University of Salerno, Italy.


Lecturer, course "Multi-Objective Optimization", PhD Program in Math,

IMUS, University of Seville, Spain.

2020 Lecturer, course "Operations Research Meets Statistics", PhD Program in

Statistics, Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Rome, Sapienza, Italy.

Academic teaching, Bachelor’s level

2021-today Lecturer, courses "Operational Research" (9 CFU) and "Operational Research Lab"

(3 CFU), Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Rome, Sapienza.

2020-2021 Lecturer, course "Methods and Models for Logistic" (6 CFU), Department of

Statistical Sciences, University of Rome, Sapienza.

2019-2021 Lecturer, courses "Logistic Lab" (3 CFU) and "Operational Research Lab" (3 CFU),

Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Rome, Sapienza.

2019-2020 Lecturer, course "Operational Research" (9 CFU), Department of Computer, Control,

and Management Engineering, University of Rome, Sapienza.

2018-2019 Teaching assistant, course "Logistic Lab", Department of Statistical Sciences, University

of Rome, Sapienza.

2017-2018 Lecturer, course "Operational Research" (6 CFU), Department of Computer, Control,

and Management Engineering, University of Rome, Sapienza.

2015-2018 Teaching assistant, courses "Logistic Lab" and "Optimization Lab", Department of

Statistical Sciences, University of Rome, Sapienza.

Academic teaching, Master’s level

2021-2022 Lecturer, course of "Data Driven and Decision Making", Department of Statistical

Sciences, University of Rome, Sapienza.

2019-2021 Lecturer of module "Integration in Decision Modeling", course of "Case Studies

and Statistical Consulting", Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Rome,


2015-2018 Teaching assistant, "Decision Support Models", Department of Statistical Sciences,

University of Rome, Sapienza.

Journal papers

Amorosi, L., Padellini T., Puerto J., Valverde C., "A Mathematical Programming approach to Sparse Canonical Correlation".  Expert Systems with Applications Journal, 2024.  
Amorosi, L., Puerto, J., Valverde C., "A multiple-drone arc routing and mothership coordination problem". Computers and Operations Research, 2023.
Amorosi, L., Dell’Olmo, P., Giacco, G.L, "An Integrated Model for High-Speed Rolling-Stock Planning and Maintenance Scheduling". Engineering Optimization, 2023.

Amorosi, L., Puerto, J., Valverde C., "An extended model of coordination of an all-terrain vehicle and a multivisit drone". International Transaction in Operational Research, 2022.

Amorosi, L., Puerto, J., "Two-phase strategies for the bi-objective minimum spanning tree problem". International Transaction in Operational Research, 2022.

Amorosi, L., Cedola, L., Dell’Olmo, P., Lucchetta, F., "Multi-objective mathematical programming to optimally sizing and managing battery energy storage for solar photovoltaic system integration of a multi-apartment building". Engineering Optimization, 2022.

Amorosi, L., Puerto, J., Valverde C., "Coordinating drones with mothership vehicles: The mothership and drone routing problem with Graphs". Computers and Operations Research, 2021.

Chiaraviglio L., Amorosi L. et al., "Minimum Cost Design of UAV-based 5G Networks for Rural Coverage: Formulation and Solutions", IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 2019.

Amorosi L., Chiaraviglio L., Galán-Jiménez J., "Optimal Energy Management of UAV-based 5G Networks Powered by Solar Panels and Batteries: Formulation and Solutions", IEEE Access, 2019

Amorosi L., Dell’Olmo P, Giacco, G.L., "Mathematical Models for On-Line Train Calendars Generation", Computers and Operations Research, Vol.102, p.1-9, 2019 .

Chiaraviglio L., Amorosi L. et al., "Optimal Management of Reusable Functional Blocks in 5G Superfluid Networks", Wiley International Journal of Network Management, Vol.29(1), 2019.

Chiaraviglio L., Amorosi L., Dell’Olmo P., Liu W., Gutierrez J.A., Cianfrani A., Polverini M., Le Rouzic E., Listanti M., "Lifetime-Aware ISP Networks: Optimal Formulation and Solutions", Transactions on Networking, Vol.27 (3), p.1924-1937, 2017.

Chiaraviglio L.,Amorosi L., Baiocchi A., Cianfrani A., Cuomo F., Dell’Olmo P., Listanti M., "LIFETEL: Managing the Energy-Lifetime Tradeoff in Telecommunication Networks", Communications Magazine, Series on Green Communications and Computing Networks, Vol.54(11), p.150-157, 2016.

Conference papers

Amorosi, L., Di Rocco, L., Ferraro Petrillo, U., "Scheduling K-mers Counting in a Distributed Environment". ODS2021, International Conference on Optimization and Decision Sciences, September 2021, Rome.

Bosi, T., D’Ariano, A., Amorosi, L., Giacco, G.L., "A Fast and Effective Greedy Heuristic for On-line Train Calendars Generation", MT-ITS 2021 International Conference, June 2021, online.

Chiaraviglio, L., Amorosi, L., Malandrino, F., Chiasserini, C.F, Dell’Olmo, P., Casetti, C., "Optimal Throughput Management in UAV-based Networks during Disasters", IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2019, Paris.

Jimenez, J.G., Chiaraviglio, L., Amorosi, L., Blefari-Melazzi, N., "Multi-Period Mission Planning of UAVs for 5G Coverage in Rural Areas: A Heuristic Approach", IEEE International Conference on the Network of the Future, (NOF), 2018, Poznań.

Chiaraviglio, L., Amorosi, L. et al., "Optimal Design of 5G Networks in Rural Zones with UAVs, Optical Rings, Solar Panels and Batteries", IEEE International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (IEEE ICTON), 2018, Bucharest.

Amorosi, L., Chiaraviglio, L et al. "Energy-Efficient Mission Planning of UAVs for 5G Coverage in Rural Zones", IEEE International Conference on Environmental Engineering (IEEE EE), 2018, Milano.

Chiaraviglio, L., Amorosi, L., Cartolano L., Blefari-Melazzi N., Dell’Olmo P., Shojafar M., Salsano S., "Optimal Superfluid Management of 5G Networks", 3rd IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (IEEE NetSoft), 2017, Bologna.

Amorosi, L., Chiaraviglio, L., Dell’Olmo, P., Listanti, M., "Optimal Sustainable Management of Backbone Networks", ICTON 2016 International Conference , July 2016, Trento.

Amorosi, L., Chiaraviglio, L., Dell’Olmo, P., Listanti, M., "Sleep to stay alive: Optimizing Reliability in Energy-Efficient Backbone Networks", RONEXT 2015 International Workshop, July 2015, Budapest.

Amorosi, L., Dell’Olmo, P., Giacco, G.L., "A new approach for train calendar description generation", MT-ITS 2015 International Conference, June 2015, Budapest.

Amorosi, L., Dell’Olmo, P., Giacco, G.L, "A New Mixed Integer Linear Program- ming Formulation For A Maintenance Problem In Italian Railways", CASPT 2015 International Conference, July 2015, Rotterdam.

OR Institutional Activities 

2016 Co-founder of AIROYoung, the youth chapter of the Italian Operational Research Association (AIRO).  

2018 Co-founder of EUROYoung,  a group of young OR scientists from EURO member countries.