"Assegno di Ricerca", bando N. 8/2020

A guide to application for non-Italian speakers

Disclaimer: this is a support page and by no means it is intended to be a substitute of the official call available here.

What is this about?

  • Position: Assegno di Ricerca, which is the equivalent of a post-doc position.

  • Number of positions opened: 2

  • Degree required at the moment of application: PhD

  • Institution: Dipartimento di Matematica “Guido Castelnuovo”, SAPIENZA Università di Roma (https://www.mat.uniroma1.it/).

  • Field: Mathematics and its applications.

  • Duration: 2 years.

  • Estimated gross salary: 22.600 EUR per year (which corresponds to a net wage of about 1650 EUR per month).

  • Teaching load: no teaching duties.

  • Expected starting: Summer/Autumn 2021.

  • Application deadline: January 20th, 2021.

First: prepare your documents.

In order to apply, you will need only documents in pdf format. So, you can gather the following documents and scan them, or produce them directly in digital form.

Here is a list of the documents you need:

  1. a copy of a valid identity card or passport;

  2. an updated curriculum vitæ (in Italian or English), which has to be signed and dated;

  3. a research project (in Italian or English);

  4. one or more (or none...) recommendation letters in encrypted pdf format (the author of the letter shall provide the password to decrypt his/her letter by email directly to assegni@mat.uniroma1.it, specifying in the subject the name of the candidate as well as the name of the call, namely "Bando N. 8/2020");

  5. your scientific publications in pdf format you want to submit, together with the declaration stating the ownership of those ("dichiarazione sostitutiva dell’atto di notorietà", click here to be redirected on a sample Google Document for the self-certification);

  6. a copy of your PhD certificate/diploma (no need of translation if written in English, French, Spanish, or German).

We stress that all items 1-2-3-5-6 are mandatory in order to be admitted to the selection.

Second: fill your application form in "plain paper" (that is, unstamped paper)

In order to do this, click on this link: it will redirect you to a Google Document that is a sample application form in Italian. All you have to do is download it, and cut&replace the parts written in this color, italics, and underlined with the corresponding data of yours. The portion of text in this color and in between two asterisks are merely explanatory and must be erased before submitting the application.

At the end of the document you have to sign and date (twice, as you can see). In order to do this, you can either

  • print the document, sign and date, and scan it in pdf format, or

  • convert it directly into pdf format, and sign and date with a pen tablet (or similar).

Third: send your application! Attention: deadline is January 20th, 2021.

First of all you have to choose how you want to send your application. Here are the two possibilities:

  1. Electronically, necessarily by certified email (the so-called "PEC"). In this case you have to send all your pdf documents as attachments from your own personal PEC address to the PEC address matematica@cert.uniroma1.it, with subject "Candidatura alla procedura comparativa Bando AR n. 8/2020".

  2. By ordinary mail, which should compulsorily be a registered mail with return receipt ("avis de réception"). In this case the envelope shall be addressed to

Al Direttore del Dipartimento di Matematica "Guido Castelnuovo"

Sapienza Università di Roma

P.le Aldo Moro, 5

00185 Roma - ITALIA

Moreover, on the envelope you must also write the formula "Candidatura alla procedura comparativa Bando AR n. 8/2020".

If you choose Option 2), then put all of your pdf files in a pen drive, put the pen drive in the envelope and send just this!

It might be safer (and recommended, indeed), in case of Option 2), to also print the application form in plain paper, sing it, and put it in the envelope, just in case something goes wrong with the pen drive.

How to obtain your own PEC.

If you choose Option 1) and you don't already have your own PEC email address, you need to create it.

In order to obtain a PEC address, you will only need to visit a provider’s website and follow the instructions to open a PEC account. Usually, you will need to insert your personal information, then upload a copy of your identity document, and of your Italian tax code (not always). You will then need to choose an address (e.g. yourname@pec.it) and a password, just like any other email account. Often, in addition to traditional access through the website of the provider, you can log into your PEC account, send and receive PEC emails through an app.

There are several companies that offer PEC accounts. Usually, they all ask for a monthly/annual subscription. Costs start from a few euros per year (you can have a PEC address for 5 euros + VAT) for a basic PEC account, which generally includes a limited space for your email (for example 1 GB) and antivirus. Obviously, the more services you want (more space, storage, etc.), the higher the cost (for example 25/40/60 euros etc.).

Just to list a few, the most used ones are the following: ArubaPEC, Postecert, LegalMail, Register.it, Libero, ...