Francesco Pannarale

Physics Department, Sapienza University of Rome

P.le Aldo Moro 5, I-00185 Roma, Italia 

Physics Building "G.Marconi" (C013), 2nd floor, room n° 214

Tel.: 06-49914468 (internal 2-4468)


External links: ORCID, LinkedIn, X

I am an associate professor at the Physics Department of Sapienza –  University of Rome.  My research interests include modelling gravitational-wave signals of merging black holes and neutron stars, gravitational-wave data analysis, nuclear astrophysics, and numerical relativity.

I am part of the LIGO-Virgo Collaboration in which I serve as co-chair of the Gamma-Ray Burst working group, and lead searches for gravitational-wave signals at the time and sky position of gamma-ray burst events.  I am also co-chair of the reviews of all results from the Burst data analysis group which runs unmodelled searches for gravitational-wave transient signals.