Statistical Mechanics and Non Equilibrium Processes

Thematic Periods

Thematic Program: February 1 - July 15, 2025

More than 50 years after the first works on its rigorous foundations, statistical mechanics continues to be an evergreen source of inspiration for profound mathematical problems and ideas. Widely open and challenging, the investigation of nonequilibrium processes of a physico-statistical nature includes the description of random effects and the development of new probabilistic and analytic methods.

This thematic program aims to combine the expertise from different scientific and mathematical areas, addressing some of the key questions in the field, including the following areas:

The program will include an introductory winter school and several workshops. For further information concerning these events, please see the links below to the corresponding websites.

The program will be followed, in Fall 2025, by the thematic period on Data Science (information will be available here). 


This program will benefit from collaboration with: 

Program subscription

The online application platform to participate in this program is open until March 1, 2025.

Partial financial support is available for young participants. 

To participate in this thematic program, please click in the registration link or contact one of the local coordinators. If you are attending the winter school only, or the workshops only, you do not need to fill in this form: please register through the website of the specific event. 


Winter school on Statistical Mechanics, Nonequilibrium Processes and ProbabilityDate: February 17-28, 2025
Venue: room Picone (Feb 17-25) and Sala di Consiglio (Feb 26-28)
Lecturers: K. Aoki (National Cheng Kung University & Kyoto University), E. Carlen (Rutgers University), P. Dario (University of Paris-Est Créteil), S. Jansen (Ludwig Maximilian University), E. Löcherbach (University of Paris 1), A. Nota (University of L'Aquila), B. Schlein (University of Zurich), F. Toninelli (Technical University of Vienna)Abstract: The school will precede and inaugurate the scientific period and will be devoted to several topics, the common substrate being the investigation of equilibrium and nonequilibrium phenomena and of statistical physics models, with rigorous mathematical methods. Our goal is to expand knowledge in these areas, by presenting current research directions at an introductory level and aimed at students and young researchers, and by fostering new lines of collaborative research. The school will include short talk sessions for early postdocs and PhD students.Web Site:           link
Organizers:           Giada Basile, Alessandra Faggionato, Vittoria Silvestri, Sergio Simonella, Lorenzo Taggi


  • Stochastic Equations and Particle Systems
Date: April 7 - 9  2025Venue: INdAM Lecturers (preliminary list):       Benoit Dagallier, Arnaud Debussche, Benjamin Gess, Davide Gabrielli, Patrícia Gonçalves, Kirone Mallick, Jean-Christophe Mourrat, Max von Renesse, Marco Romito, Karl-Theodor Sturm, Xue-Mei Li, Neil O'Connell, Lorenzo Zambotti Abstract:                                       Stochastic processes with spatial structure have become a standard modeling tool. From a mathematical viewpoint, these processes can be realized either as solutions to stochastic partial differential equations or as interacting particles systems. The aim of the workshop is to bring the two communities together to promote fruitful idea exchanges.Web Site:                                                                Lorenzo Bertini, Lorenzo Dello Schiavo, Giacomo di Gesù, Gianni Jona-LasinioCo-sponsored by:                        Progetto di Ricerca Sapienza 2023 RG123188B4160E47 "Mathematical models in statistical physics"

  • Kinetic Limits and Probability
Date: June 9 - 13  2025Lecturers (preliminary list):       Luisa Andreis, Dario Benedetto, Matthias Erbar, Marina Ferreira, Giovanni Gallavotti, Pierre Germain, Maria Pia Gualdani, Zaher Hani, Daniel Heydecker, Amélie Loher, Peter Madsen, Rossana Marra, Nader Masmoudi, Karsten Matthies, Sara Merino Aceituno, Mario Pulvirenti, Barbara Rüdiger, Chiara Saffirio (TBC), Gigliola Staffilani (TBC), Florian Theil, Minh-Binh Tran, Aleksis Vuoksenmaa, Bernt Wennberg, Raphael Winter                      Abstract: The aim of the workshop is to gather together prominent scientists and young researchers, promoting the exchange of ideas around the relations between small and large scales, focusing on interacting particle systems and applications of such topics of recent interest. On the occasion of the workshop, we would like to commemorate the contribution of Oscar Lanford, coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the publication of his work on the validity of the Boltzmann equation.Organizers:                                   Giada Basile, Amit Einav, Isabelle Gallagher, Jani Lukkarinen, Sergio Simonella

  • Topological Transport and Magnetic Matter
Date: June 16 - 20  2025Lecturers:       Giuliano Angelone, Eric Cancés, Horia Cornean, Dimitrie Culcer, Emanuela Giacomelli, David Gontier, Salma Lahbabi, Giovanna Marcelli, Massimo Moscolari, Gabriele Peluso, Hermann Schulz-Baldes, Jacob Shapiro, Kasper Studsgaard Sørensen, Clément Tauber, Stefan Teufel, Guo Chuan ThiangAbstract: The focus of the workshop will be on the topics of interest for the research unit in mathematical quantum physics at Sapienza Università di Roma, which include topological matter, quantum transport, adiabatic theory and phenomena in magnetic materials. The event will bring together established as well as young researchers in theoretical, experimental and mathematical physics, in order to present the latest results in the topics mentioned above and to formulate new challenges for mathematicians and theoreticians stimulated by condensed matter experiments.Web Site:                              Organizers:                                   Chiara Boccato, Domenico Monaco, Gianluca PanatiCo-sponsored by:                        PRIN 2022AKRC5P "Interacting Quantum Systems: Topological Phenomena and Effective Theories"

  • Random Geometric Structures and Statistical Physics
Date: June 30 - July 4  2025Organizers:                                   Alessandra Faggionato, Vittoria Silvestri, Lorenzo Taggi


  • Doctoral course: Entropy in Classical and Quantum Statistical Mechanics 
Date: March - May, 2025  Lecturer: Vojkan Jaksic (Mc Gill University, Montreal)

  • Doctoral course: Chaos and integrability in open and driven quantum many-body systems
Date: June 3 - 6, 2025  Lecturer: Tomaž Prosen (University of Ljubljana)Abstract: The course will be on recent developments in open quantum many-body systems and dynamics od driven (Floquet) lattice systems. It will be divided into four lectures. In the first lecture, I will discuss empirical diagnostics of quantum chaos of open quantum systems and present tenfold way of symmetry classification of the corresponding Liouvillians. In the second lecture, I will discuss Yang-Baxter integrability of open quantum systems and present some simple examples. In the third lecture, I will focus on exactly solvable steady states of boundary driven open spin chains and algebraic aspects of the underlying matrix product states. In the fourth lecture, I will introduce integrable spin lattice models in discrete space-time (integrable quantum circuits) with the corresponding unitary integrability structures in discrete time domain, and present some interesting conjectures on anomalous transport and anomalous fluctuations in these systems.

Seminar Series

Special Lectures


Luca Avena - University of Florence

Luisa Andreis -  Politecnico di Milano

Kazuo Aoki -  National Cheng Kung University & Kyoto University

Amine Asselah  -  Université Paris-Est Créteil

Luca Avena  -  University of Florence 

Dario Benedetto -  Sapienza University

Anton Bovier -  IAM Bonn

José A. Cañizo  -  University of Granada

Eric Carlen -  Rutgers University 

Alessandra Cipriani  -  University College London

Benoit Dagallier  -  University Paris-Dauphine

Paul Dario  -  University of Paris-Est Créteil

Arnaud Debussche  -  ENS Rennes

Barbara Dembin  -  ETH Zurich

Amit Einav -  Durham University

Matthias Erbar   -   University of Bielefeld

Nicolas Forien  -  University Paris-Dauphine

Davide Gabrielli  -  University of L'Aquila

Isabelle Gallagher -  ENS Paris

Giovanni Gallavotti -  Sapienza University

Pierre Germain  -  Imperial College

Benjamin Gess  -  Technical University of Berlin

Alexander Glazman - University of Innsbruck

François Golse   -   Ecole Polytechnique

Patricia Gonçalves   -   IST Lisboa

Gian Michele Graf  -  ETH Zurich

Maria Pia Gualdani  -  University of Texas Austin

Zaher Hani   -   University of Michigan

Lingbing He   -   Tsinghua University

Daniel Heydecker  -  Max Planck Institute Leipzig

Markus Heydenreich  -  University of Augsburg

Vojkan Jaksic -  Mc Gill University

Sabine Jansen -  Ludwig Maximilian University

Christian Léonard   -   Université Paris Nanterre

Xue-Mei Li  -  EPFL & Imperial College

Marcin Lis  -  Technical University of Vienna

Amélie Loher  -  University of Cambridge

Jani Lukkarinen -  University of Helsinki

Eva Löcherbach -  University of Paris 1

Peter Madsen  -  Ludwig Maximilian University

Kirone Mallick  -  IPhT CEA Saclay

Rossana Marra -  Tor Vergata University

Nader Masmoudi  -  Courant Institute

Karsten Matthies   -   University of Bath

Sara Merino Aceituno   -   University of Vienna

Jean-Christophe Mourrat  -  ENS Lyon

Alessia Nota -  University of L'Aquila

Neil O'Connell  -  University College Dublin

Tomaž Prosen   -   University of Ljubljana

Mario Pulvirenti   -   Sapienza University

Fraydoun Rezakhanlou  -  University of California

Barbara Rüdiger  -  University Wuppertal

Chiara Saffirio  -  University of British Columbia

Artem Sapozhnikov  -  University of Leipzig

Makiko Sasada  University of Tokyo

Benjamin Schlein -  University of Zurich

Perla Sousi  -  University of Cambridge

Gigliola Staffilani   -   MIT

Alexandre Stauffer  -  King's College London

Florian Theil   -   University of Warwick

Cristina Toninelli   - CNRS & Paris-Dauphine

Fabio Toninelli   -   Technical University of Vienna

Minh-Binh Tran   -   Texas A&M University

Juan Velázquez  -  IAM Bonn

Max von Renesse  -  University of Leipzig

Marco Romito  -  University of Pisa

Karl-Theodor Sturm  -  Bonn University

Aleksis Vuoksenmaa  -  University of Helsinki

Bernt Wennberg   -   University of Gothenburg

Raphael Winter   -   Cardiff University

Wei Wu  -  NYU Shanghai

Ariel Yadin  -  Ben Gurion University 

Lorenzo Zambotti  -  Sorbonne University


Rutgers University

Visiting from 14/02/2025 to 16/03/2025

Host Professor: Prof. Emanuele Caglioti

University of California

Visiting from 20/03/2025 to 20/04/2025

Host Professor: Prof. Giada Basile



For a complete list of the activities, please click the calendar link.

Scientific advisory board                                                                        

Anna De Masi  -  University of L'Aquila

Nina Gantert  -  Technical University of Munich 

Giovanni Jona-Lasinio  -   Sapienza University

Mario Pulvirenti  -  Sapienza University

Laure Saint-Raimond  -  Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques

Herbert Spohn  -   Technical University of Munich

Local coordinators

Giada Basile

Alessandra Faggionato

Vittoria Silvestri 

Sergio Simonella

Lorenzo Taggi