We know that this is a very challenging time. It's hard not being able to see your friends and go about your daily routine. However, you must remember that we do this to protect ourselves and others. If you have questions or concerns, speak to your parents about it. It is also important to get the most accurate and correct information, so only check trusted sources such as the CDC and WHO. If the topic is constantly being brought up around you, and it is causing you anxiety, it is okay to ask them to change the topic or stop talking about that topic. Your wellbeing is very important.


Sabemos que este es un momento muy desafiante. Es difícil no poder ver a tus amigos y seguir tu rutina diaria. Sin embargo, debe recordar por qué estamos haciendo esto para protegernos a nosotros mismos y a los demás. Si tienes preguntas o inquietudes, habla con tus padres al respecto. También es importante obtener la información más precisa y correcta, así que solo verifique fuentes confiables como los CDC y la OMS. Si el tema se plantea constantemente a su alrededor y le causa ansiedad, está bien pedirles que cambien de tema or paren de hablar del tema. Tu bienestar es muy importante.


Just for Kids: Comic Book Exploring the New Coronavirus


Print the Comic Book

How to Fold the Comic

A Social Story on COVID-19 for Younger Kids

Answers to Your Coronavirus Questions

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