10th International Workshop on

Agents in Traffic and Transportation (ATT 2018)

held in conjunction with ECAI/IJCAI, AAMAS and ICML conferences (FAIM 2018)

July 14, 2018, Stockholm


[06-07-2018] Detailed program available! See Detailed program.

[08-06-2018] Instructions for the preparation of the camera ready are now online - see Submission details.

[31-05-2018] List of accepted papers is now online - see Accepted papers. Presentation schedule coming soon.

[28-05-2018] Notifications have been sent out. Thank you for all your submissions.

[26-05-2018] Workshop date has been confirmed for Saturday July 14th 2018.

Call for papers

Building effective and user-friendly transportation systems is one of the big challenges for engineers in the 21st century. The rapid change of location, enabled by plane, high-speed rail, sea and road travel, has constantly become easier and more natural. These days we travel without any of the difficulties that accompanied taking a trip less than a century ago. All we have to do is to organize and to pick up the transport mode that comes closest to our objectives. In much the same way, many new opportunities for the delivery of goods are being explored and commercially exploited.

The purpose of this workshop is to bring researchers and practitioners together in order to set up visions on how Agent technologies, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligent techniques in general, can be and are used for today's isolated IT-tools so as to model, simulate, and manage large-scale complex transportation systems. Therefore, we are interested in research papers, case studies and practitioners' reports on the implementation and use of intelligent agents in all areas related to transportation, traffic and logistics. Besides running real-world applications, we are also interested in papers concerning demonstrators or testbeds that are still under development. Conceptual papers and those reporting on particular components of transportation systems are also welcome.

As for the 2016 edition, a publication of selected extended versions of workshop papers in a special issue of an international journal is planned.

Relevant topics:

  • Applications of AI technology in traffic, transportation, and transport logistics
  • Optimization (e.g., traffic assignment, routing, route choice)
  • Autonomic transportation systems
  • Coordination in intelligent transportation systems
  • Intelligent, adaptive traffic control
  • Distributed decision making in traffic, transportation and transport logistics
  • Multi-agent systems for intelligent vehicles
  • Machine learning and multi-agent learning for traffic and transportation (also based on, e.g., reinforcement learning and deep learning)
  • Mobile devices in smart transportation systems
  • Intelligent monitoring of transportation systems
  • Data collection, filtering and distribution of traffic information and transportation data
  • Autonomous vehicles and collaborative driving
  • Self-* properties of traffic systems
  • Multilevel goals and goal conflicts in traffic and transportation
  • Agent-based approaches to modelling driver behaviour
  • Cognitive approaches to modelling traffic participants
  • Agent-based simulation of traffic and transportation systems
  • Agent-based pedestrian and crowd simulation
  • Future technologies: opportunities for smart transportation
  • Shared and on-demand mobility (car sharing, ride sharing, Mobility as a Service etc)