Unikum Family

Unikum Family is an app where you can easily follow and be involved in your child's daily life, development, and learning in preschool and school

In Unikum, you'll find everything related to your child's daily life in preschool and school, including learning, information, presence and absence.

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Frequently asked questions

How do I login to the Unikum Family app? 

You log in by using your personal BankID. This is to ensure that no one else than the responsible parents, carers or educators gains access to your child’s information.  

How do I edit my Profile Settings?

Edit your own and your child’s profile under More and Profile. We strongly recommend to put in your contact details so that the preschool can contact you. You can also choose if you only want the preschool to see your contact details or if you wish to be reachable to other parents. Here you also have the option to set your headings in either Swedish or English.

Which languages does Unikum Family support? 

You can translate Unikum into English or German by selecting "More" and "Settings".
If you have chosen Swedish as your primary language these are called "Mer and Inställningar".

How do I log in to the Unikum Family app?

It depends on the login solution chosen by the municipality. Either via Mobile BankID or with Username and Password, the same login solution as for Unikum on the web.

I can't log in to the app, what should I do?

Contact your child's preschool or school, and they will help you.

I've forgotten my password, what do I do?

There is a link to get a new password when you log in. Click there and follow the instructions. If you need more help, turn to your child's preschool or school.

How secure is the Unikum Family App? 

Personal data in all Unikum services are handled according to our Security Policy. Read more