TIME 2019
26th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning
Málaga, 16-19 October 2019
Call for Papers
Since 1994, the TIME International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning aims to bring together researchers in the area of temporal reasoning in Computer Science.
TIME 2019 encompasses three tracks, but has a single program committee. The conference will span four days, and will be organized as a combination of technical paper presentations, keynote talks, and tutorials.
- Time in Artificial Intelligence
- Temporal DataBases
- Temporal Logic and Reasoning
Following a long-standing tradition, submission topics include (but are no limited to):
- Temporal aspects of agent- and policy-based systems
- Spatial and temporal reasoning
- Time in natural language processing
- Spatio-temporal knowledge representation systems
- Reasoning about actions and change
- Planning and planning languages
- Ontologies of time and space-time
- Belief and uncertainty in temporal knowledge
- Temporal learning and discovery
- Temporal data models and query languages
- Temporal query processing and indexing
- Temporal data mining
- Time series data management
- Stream data management
- Spatio-temporal data management, including moving objects
- Data currency and expiration
- Indeterminate and imprecise temporal data
- Temporal constraints
- Specification and verification of systems
- Verification of web applications
- Synthesis and execution
- Model checking algorithms and implementations
- Verification of infinite-state systems
- Reasoning about transition systems
- Temporal architectures
Tutorials and Keynote Talks
TIME 2019 will be organized as a combination of technical sessions, keynote talks, and tutorials. In particular, tutorials can be used to obtain PhD credits. Students interested in such an opportunity are asked to contact the organization (details will follow shortly) so that an attendance certificate can be issued.
Special Issue of Information&Computation
This year, a selection of authors of accepted papers will be asked to send an extended and improved version of their work to be included in a special issue of the journal Information&Computation (impact factor: 1.077). The submitted work will be subject to review, will have to include all suggestions from the reviews of the conference version of the paper, and will have to complete and improve the conference version of the paper with at least 30% of new material. We expect a quick turnaround for the final publication.