Flavio A. Franchina, PhD

Associate Professor of Analytical Chemistry

 University of Ferrara


and welcome to my personal web home...

This is a way to share my professional experience, activities, and opinions about the analytical strategies and chemical analyses for life science and environmental applications, particularly involving chromatography and mass spectrometry.

​The entire analytical process is of particular importance to obtain reliable results for hypothesis generation & confirmation, and it includes a few (all very important) consecutive steps. They include the sampling & the sample preparation, the separation & the detection, the quantification & the data processing. These are my research interests together with the analytical method development, optimization, and validation.

Flavio A. Franchina

The image above is a contour plot representing the 2D separation of a biodiesel using multidimensional gas chromatography, or GCxGC. Each dot, or blob, represents a component in the sample, and some of the major chemical classes are highlighted.