Best Online US MBA Programs

A flexible degree for professionals in all fields.

We offer a 100% online, affordable and accredited master's degree that helps you develop and sharpen the skill you need to succeed in the global business world.

You’re probably busy. You may be working on a new business plan or drafting a research paper. Why put that on hold to do your MBA? You can earn an income while simultaneously studying for your MBA degree at Nexford. Then, once done, you will have the opportunities to show what you can do, not just what you have read about.

Best Online US MBA Programs
Best Online MBA Degrees


It costs an average of $2880 to study for the MBA at Nexford University. We keep our fees low: our monthly tuition is based on the income in your country, and we don’t charge hidden extras.

Cheapest Online MBA Degrees

Flexible pace

Complete your MBA in as few as 18 months or work at your own pace through the program. The quicker you finish, the more money you'll save.

Best Online US MBA Programs

Courses: 12-19

You can customize your MBA by selecting five to seven competencies from the 26 courses available and choosing a route based on your career goals. Every step along the way, you'll have the support of experienced faculty members.

Cheapest Online US MBA Programs

Specializations: 5

Want to earn a degree from an accredited university? Choose from 5 specializations. Specialize and learn in-demand skills such as Data Science, Cybersecurity, AI and E-Commerce.

Wondering how to make your CV stand out in such a busy job market? An online MBA is one way to close the gap between yourself and the next hire: applications will increase by over 43% in 2022.

We're a next-generation 100% online American university, offering MBA degrees in accelerated formats to accommodate the schedules of professionals. We don't teach outdated courses; we offer specializations that address today's business challenges.

You'll learn what employers want to hire in your MBA to give you the knowledge and skills of the workforce in a curriculum developed by experts, who are worldwide industry specialists and faculty members and high-level, professional organizations and companies for graduates.

After completing this program, your work experience will give you a firm grasp of academic concepts that connect to real-world business scenarios.

When you're a student at Nexford University, you get more than just your education. In addition to your studies, you'll also have access to all of our other career services starting from the moment you enroll, and they'll always be available to you.

We're here for you throughout your time at uni - from early-stage career planning and personal branding to job applications, we'll be right there alongside you. After graduation, too, we'll continue to bring you lifelong learning opportunities — including LinkedIn Learning & the Nexford Digital Library.

Discover all of Nexford University’s career services. You'll soon see how an education at Nexford will leave you more than just a degree.

Cheapest Online MBA Programs in United States

Have you ever wanted to advance your career with a higher-level degree program but felt the time and expense involved would be too much? Nexford University has a variety of short programs and an undergraduate business degree program that can help you gain new skills and expand your knowledge in a short period. The choice is entirely up to you; learn more about our BA in Business by clicking here.