UNC Charlotte Transfer Research Project

A state-wide multi-method research project on North Carolina Transfer Students.

About the Project

The Transfer Research Team at UNC Charlotte is conducting an exploration into community college (CC) transfer student behaviors and outcomes in North Carolina (NC). For instance, we have learned that approximately 40% of North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS) transfer students to University of North Carolina (UNC) campuses follow a primary feeder pattern (i.e., transferring from a CC to the most frequent transfer destination university, often the closest university). Thus, the majority of NCCCS to UNC students transfer to a university outside of the most frequent pattern. In addition, we have learned that higher percentages of students transferring from CCs in economically distressed counties (as compared with less economically distressed counties) transfer with Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degrees more typically associated with workforce preparation than transfer, and those students typically earn baccalaureate degrees at lower rates than those with more transfer-oriented associate degrees (e.g., Associate in Arts/Associate in Science). These and other preliminary findings have shown the need to explore further the behaviors and experiences of CC transfer students in NC. 

With support from the John M. Belk Endowment and in an effort to inform discussions about how NC can reach the myFutureNC attainment goal of 2 million by 2030, we are engaging in a multi-year effort to capture quantitative and qualitative data that will help us better understand transfer students’ experiences.

Vertical Transfer Student Voices

This report draws on a longitudinal dataset that merges 2010-2019 CCSSE records with demographic, transcript, transfer, and completion data from three NC community colleges to examine the factors related to successful vertical (CC-to-university) transfer.

This report examines community college-to-university (vertical) transfer student experiences in North Carolina and draws on two years of longitudinal qualitative (interview) data. 

This report presents an analysis of 103 student interviews, discusses the transfer ecosystem in NC, and proposes recommendations for policy and practice based on our current and previous findings. 

This report shows some of the foundational data on vertical transfer enrollment patterns, the geographic nature of transfer patterns in NC, and whether the credentials covered in the recommended paths are consistent with student behaviors. 


June 2022

This research brief presents how community college academic advisors experience the institution-driven articulation system and identify their needs to better support transfer students. 


February 2022

This brief explores the experiences of students in NC CCs in terms of their engagement in “transfer seeking” behaviors and the relationship with student characteristics and institutional transfer performance. 


February 2022

This report focuses on how students make transfer decisions, gather information, and engage in the transfer process. We provide implications and future directions for practice and future research.


Contact mmdamico@uncc.edu to get more information on the project