Nourishing the Movement: Georgia Gilmore and the Club from Nowhere

About/ Mission

Jennifer Woodard Maderazo. Soul Food at Powell's Place. 6 Oct 2007. Digital Image. Available from Flickr:

“Nourishing the Movement: Georgia Gilmore and the Club from Nowhere,” tells the story of the Montgomery Bus Boycott from the perspective of food and food spaces. Though not the first mass protest of its kind (see Baton Rouge bus boycott) the Montgomery Bus Boycott was an influential political and social event during the Civil Rights Movement. This website explores themes of food, class, race, and gender through an examination of the 1955 boycott. The digital narrative here seeks to delve into the above themes and expand on the understanding of the Montgomery Bus Boycott through the story of Georgia Gilmore and the working-class women in the Club from Nowhere. Ultimately, this website hopes to honor the activism of Georgia Gilmore and the Black working-class women who helped sustain the year-long boycott through financial and social nourishment. The website makes use of a mixture of primary sources from the civil rights era and secondary sources from civil rights and food historians to explain the story of Georgia Gilmore and the Club from Nowhere.

“Nourishing the Movement” was created by Sylvia Marshall a graduate student in the Public History program at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte as a part of the graduate history course, History in the Digital Age during the Spring of 2021.

I do not own the copyright to the images located on this website and permission, when needed, was obtained in order to publish the images. The appropriate owners are cited and linked below each image.

Thank you to the Alabama Dept. of Archives and History for providing the majority of the images on this website.

Header Image: Bus driving down a dirt road away from downtown Montgomery, Alabama. Alabama Department of Archives and History. Photo by Jim Peppler, Southern Courier.

How does this website work?

You can explore the website through the tabs at the top of the webpage. “Who Is Georgia Gilmore? " introduces Georgia Gilmore and 1950s Montgomery, Alabama. “The Boycott Begins” talks about the launch of the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the experience of Black patrons on Montgomery city buses. "Feeding the Movement," discusses the organization of the Club From Nowhere by Gilmore and the start of her home restaurant.