Beth Oyarzun, Ph.D.

Clinical Associate Professor and M.Ed. and Graduate Certificate Program Director

Learning, Design and Technology Program

Department of Educational Leadership

Cato College of Education

University of North Carolina at Charlotte


Dr. Beth Oyarzun is a distinguished scholar, clinical associate professor, and renowned learning, design, and technology expert. With a deep understanding of online teaching and learning, she has significantly contributed to advancing educational practices in the digital age. Dr. Oyarzun's expertise and passion for innovation and pedagogical excellence have solidified her reputation as a leading authority in the field. Dr. Oyarzun's educational journey reflects her commitment to excellence in teaching and instructional design. She completed her undergraduate studies in Mathematics Education, where she developed a strong foundation in pedagogy and instructional strategies. Recognizing the transformative potential of technology in education, she pursued a Master's degree in Instructional Technology, focusing on leveraging digital tools for effective teaching and learning. Driven to advance knowledge, Dr. Oyarzun pursued a Ph.D. in Instructional Design and Technology. Her doctoral research delved into the intricacies of online pedagogy, exploring innovative approaches and strategies for fostering engagement, collaboration, and meaningful learning experiences in digital environments. Her dissertation research earned her the Alan Mandell Endowed Dissertation Award, bestowed by the faculty.  As a clinical associate professor, Dr. Beth Oyarzun dedicates her career to advancing the practice of online teaching and learning through modeling effective online teaching practices. Additionally, she directs the fully online M.Ed. and graduate certificates in Learning, Design, and Technology at UNC Charlotte, where she leads the faculty in developing learning design and technology online program curricula.

Dr. Oyarzun has made significant contributions to the field through her research and expertise. Her work focuses on designing learner-centered online environments, leveraging emerging technologies to enhance student engagement, and promoting effective instructional strategies in digital contexts. She has published numerous articles and book chapters, sharing her insights and findings with educators, researchers, and practitioners worldwide. Dr. Oyarzun's impact extends beyond academia. She has been actively involved in providing professional development and training to educators, guiding them in adapting their teaching methodologies to the online realm. Her workshops and seminars have equipped educators with the skills and knowledge to create dynamic and impactful online learning experiences. Furthermore, Dr. Oyarzun has collaborated with educational institutions and organizations to design and implement innovative online programs and courses. Her expertise in learning management systems, multimedia integration, and instructional design principles has developed engaging and effective online learning environments.

In addition to her academic endeavors, Dr. Oyarzun has assumed leadership roles within professional associations and organizations dedicated to online learning and instructional technology. She currently serves as president-elect of the Distance Learning Division (DDL) of the Association of Educational Communications Technologies (AECT) and the treasurer of the International Board of Standards for Training, Performance, and Instruction (IBSTPI), contributing to the development of best practices and standards in the field. Through her active involvement, she has fostered collaboration and knowledge sharing among professionals, driving advancements in online teaching and learning. Dr. Oyarzun's dedication to professional engagement extends to her involvement in conference presentations, where she shares her research and insights with peers and colleagues.  Her dedication to excellence, combined with her commitment to empowering educators, has inspired professionals to reimagine their teaching practices and embrace the opportunities afforded by technology.


ELDT 4100 - Computer Applications in Education.  Computer systems and software for enhancing teaching, learning, and educational management; evaluating, selecting, and integrating courseware; focus on current PC operating system, word processing, database, spreadsheet, presentation, Internet, email, and multimedia software. 

ELDT 5100 - Technology Integration in Education. Computer systems and software for enhancing teaching, learning, and educational management; examining issues related to the appropriate selection, integration, and evaluation of technology in educational contexts.

ELDT 6000 - Special Topics in LDT. Special topic: Visual Design of Instructional Products. Planning, developing, and evaluating instructional video products based on learning principles and research-based best practices. Doctoral students will be provided a differentiated assignment to research on video development. 

ELDT 6100 - Foundations of Learning, Design and Technology. Contemporary issues and historical development of learning, design and technology.  An overview of learning theory, design, instructional design models, technology innovations, and factors affecting the use of technology for learning.

ELDT 6135 - Learning Media, Resources, and  Technology.  Selection, use, and evaluation of technological innovations in instructional media. Students learn to make professionally sound decisions in selecting appropriate processes and resources to provide optimal conditions for learning based on principles, theories, and effective practices.

ELDT 6140 - Instructional Video Production. Planning, developing, and evaluating instructional video products based on learning principles and research-based best practices.

ELDT 6150 - Design, Development, and Evaluation of Online Learning Systems - Fundamentals of creating effective online teaching and learning systems will be covered. Topics will include research-based best practices in the design, development, and evaluation of online instruction, technological applications available to support online teaching and learning, characteristics of virtual students, instructional methodologies for online teaching and learning, and future directions of online teaching and learning research. Differentiated assignments will be provided for doctoral students.

ELDT 6491 - Application of knowledge and skills in Learning, Design and Technology so as to create appropriate applications of processes and technologies to improve learning and performance.

ELDT 6492 - Capstone Project in Learning, Design and Technology - Continued application of knowledge and skills in Learning, Design and Technology and development of the capstone project to create appropriate applications of processes and technologies to improve learning and performance.

Leadership and Service

Honors and Awards


My research interests are related to my teaching practice. I strive to identify effective strategies for online teaching and learning.

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