Thinking in Community:
"Universities and Power"
Through Research and Practice

April 12-13, 2024
University of Minnesota—Twin Cities

In what ways have colleges and universities historically been involved in the reproduction of power? That question is at the heart of this two day symposium. Higher education often serves as an important vehicle for economic and social mobility. However, these same institutions are also imbricated in the reproduction of social power and inequality. How can we make sense of these tensions? How can we explore the tremendous good that higher education does without overlooking the harm? Join us (students, administrators, archivists, historians, higher education studies scholars, etc.) as we take time and space to engage various elements of colleges and universities in questions that affect all of us.

Thanks so much to our attendees and for your interest!

With thanks to: Imagine Fund Special Event Grants Program and the Institute for Advanced Study; College of Liberal Arts Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; University Libraries; History; American Studies; Heritage Studies and Public History; and CEHD Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development.

Organized by Yalile Suriel, Ellen Holt-Werle, and Aaron Alvarado (and thanks to Emma Brunette-Stuttgen for administrative support).
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