Channing Klein

2021 B.S. Chemistry

Now Employed at: Graduate Student, Caltech

Mentor: Yukun Cheng

2. Iterative Principal Component Analysis-Driven Ligand Design for Regioselective Ti-Catalyzed [2+2+1] Pyrrole Synthesis

ACS Catalysis 2020, 10, 13504.

See, X. Y.; Wen, X.; Wheeler, T. A.; Klein, C. K.; Goodpaster, J. D.; Reiner, B. R.*; Tonks, I. A.*

Preprint available on chemRxiv

1. Synthesis of Pentasubstituted 2-Aryl Pyrroles from Boryl and Stannyl Alkynes via One-Pot Sequential Ti-Catalyzed [2+2+1] Pyrrole Synthesis/Cross Coupling Reactions

Chem. Sci. 2020, 11, 10236

Cheng, Y.; Klein, C. K.; Tonks, I. A.*

Preprint available on chemRxiv