About Us

Breast Cancer Superheroes is a non-profit arts and healing project designed to help individuals reimagine themselves as playfully powerful and limitless after going through cancer. Based on Joseph Campbell's Universal Hero's Journey and designed to inspire positive emotions and genuine connections, we focus on three main activities:  


Our artists work with selected subjects on a personalized journey to answer the questions, "If you could be your superhero of choice, who would you be and why? and "How would you want to be pictured?"


The resulting paintings and the stories of these women are displayed at hospitals, clinics and other places where they can be celebrated and the community can be encouraged and inspired.

Community Interactives

Visitors, community group members and the general public get to "Show us Your Superhero," coloring or drawing their own superhero image and writing their own superhero stories.

Hear our story on WCCO Radio!

Listen to Health Radio with Susie Jones as she talks to artist Barbara Porwit, Wonder Woman Katy Tessman and writer Kevyn Burger talk about the origins, impact and future of the Breast Cancer Superheroes.

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