Summer Represenation Theory Seminar


Welcome to the homepage of the UMN Student Summer Representation Theory Seminar, summer 2023! This year, I am organizing the seminar with fellow graduate student Carolyn Stephen.

The seminar meets at 3:30pm Central on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Vincent Hall 570. 

You can also join virtually via Zoom; a meeting link will be shared with those on the mailing list. Feel free to reach out if you would like the Zoom link.

The goal of this seminar is to get the UMN community excited about representation theory! It's a beautiful subject with applications in essentially every other area of math. The seminar will be broken into two parts: first, a three-week boot camp to introduce the main ideas of representation theory; and second, a variety of talks about special topics in representation theory.

All members of the UMN math community are encouraged to attend; this includes (but is not limited to) incoming first-year graduate students, undergraduates, and participants in the UMN mathematics REU programs. Of course, other current graduate students, postdocs, professors, staff, and alumni are encouraged to attend as well!


Part 1: Boot camp, June 20th - July 6th

During the boot camp, we will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays. Our goal is to provide a broad overview of classical and well-studied aspects of representation theory. We intend to focus on examples, explicit computation, and do exercises together. All members of the UMN community are welcome to attend! We will assume a familiarity with group theory and linear algebra, but no previous exposure to representation theory specifically.

The seminar meets at 3:30pm Central on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Vincent Hall 570.

Part 2: Special topics, July 8th - August 3rd

For the second part of the seminar, we will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Our goal is to provide a space for the UMN community to learn about the diverse applications of representation theory. We hope to place special emphasis on the role of representation theory in cutting-edge & ongoing research.

The seminar meets at 3:30pm Central on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Vincent Hall 570.


Information about past iterations of the SSRTS can be found here: 2021, 2019-2020, 2016-2018.

Here are some of the speakers' favorite resources for self-studying these topics. (The list is still being updated!)

Representation theory in general:

Representations of the symmetric group and symmetric functions: