1st Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Nursing: Advances, Methods and Path Forward, co-located with the 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 2022)


Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to revolutionize healthcare via data driven solutions to improve patient outcomes. Nurses, the largest sector of healthcare providers internationally, are rapidly adopting AI technologies in their everyday work. Existing nursing AI technologies help nurses to identify patients at risk, assist in prioritizing nursing care, and improve nursing workflows. On the other hand, AI has the potential to introduce unintended consequences, including racial or other biases or erroneous care recommendations. AI technologies are being increasingly applied on data generated by nurses and nurses are becoming one of the largest sectors to use AI in healthcare. This generates an increasing interest in safe, ethical and clinically appropriate use of cutting edge AI technologies in nursing.

This workshop, organized by the Nursing and Artificial Intelligence Leadership (NAIL) Collaborative, will focus on AI in nursing and provide a platform for discussions about the recent advances, cutting edge AI methods, and chart a path forward for nursing AI. These goals will be achieved through a combination of presentation types, including paper presentations, invited talks, panels, demos, and general discussion. Intended workshop participants are individuals involved in developing and applying AI for nursing, including those with clinical (e.g., nursing, medicine), technical (e.g., machine learning, computer/data science) and human factors (e.g., visualization and UI/UX) backgrounds. AIME participants who are focusing on using AI technologies based on nursing data or intended to be used by nurses will benefit from this workshop by learning about current AI applications and cutting-edge methods. The workshop will also chart AI research areas that require further development to advance patient outcomes.

Topics of Interest

  • Clinical decision support: development and implementation of nursing clinical decision support systems in clinical practice;

  • Standardized health terminologies: development, refinement and application of standardized health terminologies to capture nursing data and build nursing AI systems;

  • Machine learning/Data mining/Deep learning: Development and implementation of machine learning/Data mining/Deep learning algorithms focused on improving patient outcomes and decreasing patient risk;

  • Natural language processing: development and implementation of nursing narrative data- driven natural language processing algorithms;

  • Implementation science: development and implementation of nurse-centered AI technologies with special attention to human factors, UI/UX design and workflow integration;

  • Algorithm biases: detection and elimination of algorithmic biases to improve health equity, including racial and other biases.


The workshop will include a combination of presentation types, including a keynote address (invited talk), paper presentations, a panel (tentative topic: AI priorities in nursing), a demo (tentative topic: user friendly natural language processing software for nursing), and general discussion at closing.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: April 8th, 2022 (via Easychair)

Notification of acceptance: April 18th, 2022

Workshop: June 17th, 2022