Briana Krupinsky

Briana Krupinsky


B.S. University of North Dakota (2022) - Advisor: Prof. Qianli 'Rick' Chu

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Briana graduated with her Bachelors of Science in Chemistry from the University of North Dakota (UND). In her undergraduate degree, she worked with Dr. Qianli Chu on green polymer synthesis, modification, and degradability. At UND, she developed a new annual event called Zero Waste Week as President of the Undergraduate Chemistry Club. This event is meant to provide more sustainability knowledge and awareness to UND's campus. At the University of Minnesota, she has joined Empowering Women in Science as a newsletter staff member, the Twin Cities Science Policy Network, and is developing a new group on campus called Accessible Science Knowledge (ASK) to continue sharing sustainable science along with addressing science misinformation. In her free time, she likes to garden, read, paint, try new foods, and has recently gotten into foraging. 


Publications in the Lamb Group

Switchable Organocatalysis from N-heterocyclic Carbene-Carbodiimide Adducts with Tunable Release Temperature

Pham, L. D.; Smith-Sweetser, R. O.; Krupinsky, B.; Dewey, C. E.; Lamb, J. R.* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, e202314376.

Publications Outside the Group