About me

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Welcome to my personal website! 

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Cambridge University Engineering Department (CUED), working with Dr. John Biggins (previously with Prof. Mark Warner FRS at the TCM group of Cavendish). I received my Ph.D. in solid mechanics at the University of Minnesota, advised by Prof. Richard D. James. Before that, I received my B. Sc. in mathematics and physics from Tsinghua University

My research interests lie at the interface of solid mechanics, applied mathematics, and materials science. I use mathematical tools to understand, predict, and design the physical properties of functional materials and structures. These materials and structures are expected to have potential applications in aerospace engineering and the medical device industry. Particular examples include (listed in the figures below, from left to right):

You are welcome to visit the Research page and my Google Scholar for more details. Feel free to contact me at ff342(at)cam.ac.uk for any questions.

Fan Feng (冯帆)

Postdoctoral Researcher  

University of Cambridge

Email: ff342(at)cam.ac.uk
