Inorganic Chemistry • Clean Energy • Catalysis • Synthesis • Spectroscopy • Methodology


The Bailey lab is an inorganic chemistry group at the University of Minnesota. We use synthesis, crystallography, and spectroscopy to solve problems related to clean energy and sustainable catalysis. 



[05/09] Congratulations Marlan and Alex on your graduation!

[02/05] Gwen presents a short talk on Manu, Eryck, and Mike's work on shapeshifting copper chalcogenide clusters at the Atomically Precise Nanochemistry GRC!

[01/15] The Bailey group was awarded a Doctoral New Investigator grant from the ACS Petroleum Research Fund to pursue their research on using copper chalcogenide clusters to support inert bond activation! 


[12/20] Manu passes his oral preliminary exam and officially becomes a Ph.D. candidate! Congrats on your hard work, Manu – we're so glad to have you in the program! 

[12/15] Eryck passes his oral preliminary exam and officially becomes a Ph.D. candidate! Congrats on your hard work, Eryck – we're so glad to have you in the program! 

[11/27] Congrats to Manu for being awarded the Pothapragada International Student Fellowship! We are so proud of your accomplishments and so happy to have you on board our team! 

[06/17] Rupal presents some exciting iron-sulfur cluster chemistry at the UMN + 3M symposium! Congrats on disseminating your research, Rupal!

[06/05] Gwen presents Lauren's work on heterobimetallic Mo/Cu sulfide nanoclusters at CCCE – Vancouver 2023!

[06/01] Congrats to Lauren on a fantastic third year talk at the 2023 Graduate Student Research Symposium!

[05/18] The Bailey lab wins the Safest Lab (CHEM) prize from the UMN Joint Safety Team! We received an "Exemplary" (5/5) score in 17/18 categories. Congratulations everyone on your hard work in keeping the lab safe!

[06/18] Congrats to Marlan and Alex for being awarded UMN summer research fellowships!

[05/12] Congrats to Jed for graduating with a B.Sc. in chemistry!

[04/27] Lauren and Rupal present on their work at the 2023 Jeannette Brown Lectureship!

[04/19] Lauren and Rupal present on their work at the Electrochemical Society Meeting. Congrats!

[03/16] Alex Yount joins the lab. Welcome Alex!

[03/08] Gwen presents the lab's first invited talk at GRC – Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms 2023!

[01/25] Bowie (aka Glovebox 3) joins the lab


[11/08] First years Eryck Garcia Labarca, Grace Murphy, and Manu Kallumkal join the lab. Welcome!

[09/06] Our first postdoctoral researcher, Michael Trenerry, joins the lab!

[06/15] Gwen presents the group's first research talk at CCCE – Calgary 2022!

[06/02] Congrats to Rupal for passing her OPE! Great work, Rupal!

[04/15] Congrats to Jed and Marlan for being awarded UMN summer research fellowships and UROP research awards!

[04/07] Rupal presents our work at the 2022 Jeannette Brown lectureship!

[01/15] Jed Jaworski and Marlan Witte join the lab. Welcome!


[12/08] Congrats to Lauren for passing her OPE! Great work, Lauren!

[11/8] Our first group of graduate students join the lab! Welcome Alejandra Acevedo, Rupal Baliyan, and Lauren Feden!

[09/27] Balthazar (aka Glovebox 1) and Bibble (aka Glovebox 2) join the lab from MBraun, Inc.

[08/27] The Bailey lab opens its doors! We have a beautiful space on the 3rd floor of Smith overlooking the Scholars Walk!