Why Do We Need Inclusive Teaching?

Evidence that all instructors need to prioritize an inclusive approach to teaching.

Gannon, K. (27 Feb 2018). The Chronicle. [1700 words]

“Inclusive teaching is not condescending or fake. Rather, it’s a realization that traditional pedagogical methods — traditionally applied — have not served all of our students well.”

Mani, V. (14 May 2020). Inside Higher Ed. [1800 words]

“The continued existence of racism and xenophobia on American campuses, and their manifestation in mild and severe forms…. will be the first step to acknowledge and address the disparities in our postsecondary education.”

Brown, S. (6 July 2020).The Chronicle.
[2000 words]

“Just about every survey conducted since the beginning of March indicates that student distress is only going to get worse this fall...this will be exacerbated for Black and Hispanic students… and Asian American students”

Asai, D. J. (2020). Race matters. Cell, 181, 754-757. doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2020.03.044 [2000 words]

Despite their initial high interest in science, students who belong to excluded racial and ethnic groups leave science at unacceptably high rates. ‘‘Fixing the student’’ approaches are not sufficient at stemming the loss. It is time to change the culture of science by putting inclusive diversity at the center.

Frame Shift Consulting. (26 Sep 2017). The Bias. [2000 words]

“The harm is that telling people to 'assume good intent' is a sign that if they come to you with a concern, you will minimize their feelings, police their reactions, and question their perceptions.”