Remote Teaching & Inclusive Design

Teaching during the pandemic and risk of exacerbating educational disparities

Tobin, T. (2 May 2020). Excerpt adapted from "Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone" by Tobin & Behling. [3000 words]

Universal design for learning (UDL) is based on the neuroscience of how humans learn. UDL advocates for lowering barriers to learning by:

  • Providing multiple means of learner engagement

  • Providing multiple means of representing information

  • Providing multiple means for learners to take action and express themselves

McMurtrie, B. (09 July 2020). The Chronicle. [1000 words]

The author discusses the growing popularity of the HyFlex model for the fall, in which professors teach simultaneously to students in their classroom and others beaming in remotely.

Miller, M. D. (2020). Forthcoming from West Virginia University Press. [1500 words]

Narrative written by a cognitive psychologist that suggests principles to prioritize (and how-to) when teaching in less-than-desirable circumstances, including:

  • Retrieval practice

  • Spaced study

  • Higher-order thinking skills

Consider switching up your strategy

University of Tennessee, Knoxville. (2020). Center for Teaching and Learning Innovation. [1000 words]

Although some are specific to the University of Tennessee, this web page offers some basic tips for setting up before the semester (e.g., test drive microphones and recording equipment) and reminders for during the semester (e.g., commit to considering the first few weeks of class a pilot-test).

Bisz, J. & Mondelli, T. (2020).
YouTube Video, 25 minutes.

This video discusses adding small elements of play to your classroom exercises (using the "simple mechanisms": random, rapid, rival, reward, role).

Learn how to design playful learning activities for your discussion board (using the "complex mechanics": challenge and switch, cut-ups).

Create basic activity-games in PowerPoint that your online students can play together.

Stanford, D. (16 March 2020). Instructional Design Blog from the Center for Teaching and Learning at DePaul University. [1000 words]

Different teaching delivery methods based on mental bandwidth and preparation time available.

Actual Activities

Cohn, J. (2020). Infographic. Adapted from "Skim, Dive, Surface: Strategies for Reading in the College Classroom" forthcoming from West Virginia University Press.

University of Tennessee, Knoxville. (2020). Center for Teaching and Learning Innovation. [500 words]

Document offers suggestions on virtual translation of 5 classroom exercises (think-pair-share; gallery walk; fish bowl; team-pair-solo; send-a-problem).

group activities for the socially-distanced classroom

University of Tennessee, Knoxville. (2020). Center for Teaching and Learning Innovation. [500 words]

Describes 4 in-person activities that can be accomplished while observing public health advice (masks; 6 ft apart; no contact). These include Thinker-Coach; Q&A; Stop & Switch; Group Grid.