Building Classroom Community During Covid

One of inclusive teaching's most important principles is fostering a sense of belonging.

The question is how to do so while teaching remotely and/or virtually?

Darby, F. (26 June 2020). The Chronicle. [1500 words]

Darby discusses the importance of connection with students for learning to occur, and offers strategies for communication during remote teaching. These include:

  • Setting time for interactions and honoring your schedule

  • Creating short, authentic videos

  • Communicating your intentionality plainly

Kernahan, C. & Gannon, K. (2020). Thomas J. Tobin's Podcast, Soundcloud. [16 minutes]

The crux of this conversation is that our relationship to our students matters just as much as - if not more - than the content of our courses.

Transcript available at this link.

Toor, R. (23 June 2020). The Chronicle.
[1500 words]

“I found it fairly easy to transition to Zoom discussions, and because I’ve always required students to post their responses and creative work for all to read…, I [instead] worked hard on creating relationships. Students want to be seen, to know that we care about them, to be reminded that we understand that they’re struggling.”