Have you ever needed to explain type one diabetes to a family member, teacher, babysitter, or coach? Have you ever wanted to brush up on some T1D information you learned in our Basic Diabetes Education class? Great news! The T1D 101 education series was designed to teach the basics of everything T1D in quick, easy understand videos.

​ The T1D 101 curriculum was designed to provide our patients and families with a full diabetes education course that they could use themselves and share with caregivers. We hope the T1D 101 series provides a way for caregivers to learn more about the many things that go into taking care of a child with T1D.

T1D 101 features nine modules that cover monitoring blood glucose, delivering insulin, exercise, sick day management, and more. And for those looking to test their knowledge, each topic in the series has an accompanying quiz.

What is T1D 101?

T1D 101 is a full education course to learn the basics of type 1 diabetes. T1D 101 is made for everyone who lives with and cares for a person with type 1, including parents, teachers, babysitters, coaches, grandparents, and many more.

How to Watch

T1D 101 is broken up into 9 modules that cover different aspects of type 1 diabetes. Browse the topics below at your own pace and revisit them as many times as you need! T1D 101 is intended to be viewed in numerical order, so keep in mind that you may be missing important content if you skip ahead. 

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Test Your T1D Knowledge

Each module of T1D 101 has a quiz that can be taken after you've watched all the videos in the topic. These quizzes are for your own learning and use, so feel free to take them again if you miss an answer. The quizzes are absolutely free and only require an e-mail address to send your scores.

In this module, you'll learn what diabetes is, why it happens, and what it does to the body. We'll also talk about the differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes and explain very briefly how type 1 diabetes is treated.

In this module, you'll learn about blood glucose and why it is so important for diabetes health. Topics will include what counts as a high or low blood glucose result, how to treat them, and how to stay within a certain blood glucose "target range".

In this module, you'll learn about different methods for checking blood glucose results and why it's important to keep a close eye on your blood glucose results. We'll discuss the differences between blood glucose meters and continuous glucose meters (CGMs) and what the "A1c" test is for.

In this module, we'll talk about all the supplies and tools that are needed to take care of someone with type one diabetes. We'll discuss the supplies that need to be carried every day, how to store and dispose of insulin, needles, and lancets, and where to go to get new diabetes supplies when you need them.

In this module, you'll learn about insulin and how it works. Topics include the difference between Basal and Bolus insulin, how to calculate an insulin dose, how to deliver insulin with a vial and syringe, and the different methods for giving insulin, including insulin pumps.

In this module, we'll discuss how to maintain a healthy, balanced diet for kids with type one diabetes. We'll discuss what carbohydrates are, how to count them, and offer tips on eating healthy.

In this module, you'll learn how exercise can affect diabetes and blood glucose. We'll give you tips on how to make sure you're exercising safely and what you should do to treat blood glucose before, during, and after exercise.

In this module, we'll cover what happens when someone with type one diabetes gets sick with a cold or the flu and how an illness affects their diabetes.

In this module, you'll learn about the protections and accommodations that students with T1D are offered in school and how to form a plan with school staff on treating diabetes during the school day.



Here are a few other great websites and learning platforms for T1D education: