Sinan Abdulhak

Sinan Abdulhak is a senior majoring in Industrial Engineering at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He led the award-winning design team in the 2023 Nationwide FAA TFM-AID Design Challenge, where he collaboratively developed an interface to streamline the AFP workflow for FAA Traffic Managers, unifying 20+ different applications into one interface. He was also awarded Best Presenter by the judging panel.

Beyond designing digital products, Sinan draws on his experience as an Industrial Engineer to bridge the gap between data analysis and presentation. As an Air Traffic Management Co-Op with Delta Air Lines, he leveraged UX design principles to present data in easy-to-interpret ways, and has developed frameworks for analyzing operational events that are now incorporated into his team’s daily workflow.

Sinan loves animals, especially his cat Nimo, and he will fight to sit in the window seat of an a350.

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