Climate Hazards, Housing, and Health (CHHH) Partnership:

Increasing Climate Resiliency in Detroit

Climate Hazards, Housing, and Health (CHHH) is a partnership between five representatives of community-based organizations in Detroit: Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice, EcoWorks, Friends of Parkside, Jefferson East Inc., and Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision and multi-disciplinary academic researchers from the College of Engineering, Institute for Social Research, School of Public Health, and School for Environment and Sustainability at the University of Michigan. 

We focus on understanding how housing characteristics affect the ability to provide health-sustaining and comfortable temperatures to occupants during extreme temperatures, prolonged or excessive precipitation or other climate hazards.  CHHH also explores how community programs related to housing may reduce health risk inequities during hazardous climate events.

CHHH is an allied partner of the Detroit Community-Academic Urban Research Center (Detroit URC).