Colin B. Fogarty

454 West Hall

Department of Statistics

University of Michigan

1085 South University

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1107

fogartyc (at) umich (dot) edu

Curriculum Vitae

I am an Assistant Professor of Statistics at the University of Michigan. Much of my work pertains to the design and analysis of observational studies while assessing the robustness of a study's findings to unobserved biases. I am also interested in experimental design, and applications of statistics to medicine and public health.

Before joining Michigan, I was an Assistant Professor of Operations Research and Statistics at the MIT Sloan School of Management. I completed my Ph.D. in Statistics at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where I was advised by Professor Dylan S. Small. 


Ph.D., Statistics, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 2016

A.B., Statistics, Harvard University, 2011


Cohen, P. and Fogarty, C (2023+). No-Harm Calibration for Generalized Oaxaca-Blinder Estimators. Biometrika, to appear.

Fogarty, C. (2023+). Testing Weak Nulls in Matched Observational Studies. Biometrics, to appear.

Cohen, P. and Fogarty, C. (2022). Gaussian Prepivoting for Finite Population Causal Inference. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 84 (2), 295-320. (Talk at the Online Causal Inference Seminar).

Heng, S., Kang. H., Small, D., and Fogarty, C. (2021). Increasing Power for Observational Studies of Aberrant Response: An Adaptive Approach. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 83 (3), 482-504.

Fogarty, C., Lee, K., Kelz, R. and Keele, L. (2021). Biased Encouragements and Heterogeneous Effects in an Instrumental Variable Study of Emergency General Surgical Outcomes. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 116 (536) , 1625-1636.

Cohen, P., Olson, M., and Fogarty, C. (2020). Multivariate One-Sided Testing in Matched Observational Studies as an Adversarial Game. Biometrika, 107 (4), 809–825.

Fogarty, C. (2020). Studentized Sensitivity Analysis for the Sample Average Treatment Effect in Paired Observational Studies. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 115 (531), 1518-1530

Fogarty, C. and Hasegawa, R. (2019). Extended Sensitivity Analysis for Heterogeneous Unmeasured Confounding with an Application to Sibling Studies of Returns to Education. Annals of Applied Statistics, 13 (2), 767-796.

Sharifi-Malvajerdi, S., Zhu, F., Fogarty, C., Fay, M., Fairhurst, R., Flegg, J., Stepniewska, K., and Small, D. (2019). Malaria Parasite Clearance Rate Regression: An R Software Package for a Bayesian Hierarchical Regression Model. Malaria Journal, 18:4.

Fogarty, C. (2018). Regression-Assisted Inference for the Average Treatment Effect in Paired Experiments. Biometrika, 105 (4), 994–1000.

Fogarty, C. (2018). On Mitigating the Analytical Limitations of Finely Stratified Experiments. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 80, 1035-1056.

Fogarty, C., Shi, P., Mikkelsen, M., and Small, D. (2017). Randomization Inference and Sensitivity Analysis for Composite Null Hypotheses with Binary Outcomes in Matched Observational Studies. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 112 (517), 321-331

Fogarty, C. and Small, D. (2016). Sensitivity Analysis for Multiple Comparisons in Matched Observational Studies through Quadratically Constrained Linear Programming. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 111 (516), 1820-1830

Fogarty, C., Mikkelsen, M., Gaieski, D., and Small, D. (2016). Discrete Optimization for Interpretable Study Populations and Randomization Inference in an Observational Study of Severe Sepsis Mortality. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 111 (514), 447-458

Fogarty, C., Small, D., and Gastwirth, J. (2016). Discussion of `Perils and Potentials of Self-Selected Entry to Epidemiological Studies and Surveys' by Niels Keiding and Thomas A. Louis. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 179 (2), 357-358

Fogarty, C., Fay, M., Flegg, J., Stepniewska, K., Fairhurst, R. and Small, D. (2015). Bayesian Hierarchical Regression on Clearance Rates in the Presence of “Lag” and “Tail” Phases with an Application to Malaria Parasites. Biometrics, 71, 751-759.

Fogarty, C. and Small, D. (2014). Equivalence Testing for Functional Data with an Application to Comparing Pulmonary Function Devices. Annals of Applied Statistics, 8, 2002-2026.


Fogarty, C. Prepivoted Permutation Tests. Submitted.

Keele, L., Small, D., Hsu, J., and Fogarty, C. Patterns of Effects and Sensitivity Analysis for Differences-in-Differences. Submitted.

Awards and Honors

Biometrics Early-Stage Investigator Award (2018)

Awarded by the Biometrics Section of the American Statistical Association for the paper ``Studentized Sensitivity Analysis for the Sample Average Treatment Effect in Paired Observational Studies.''

Tom Ten Have Award (2017)

Awarded at the 2017 Atlantic Causal Inference Conference for "exceptionally creative or skillful research on causal inference" for the papers ``On Mitigating the Analytical Limitations of Finely Stratified Experiments" and ``Regression Assisted Inference for the Average Treatment Effect in Paired Experiments."

Statistics in Epidemiology Young Investigator Award (2016)

Awarded by the American Statistical Association section on Statistics in Epidemiology for the paper ``Sensitivity Analysis for Multiple Comparisons in Matched Observational Studies through Quadratically Constrained Linear Programming."

J. Parker Bursk Memorial Prize (2015)

Awarded by the Statistics Department at the Wharton School for excellence in research.

Donald S. Murray Prize (2015)

Awarded by the Statistics Department at the Wharton School for excellence in teaching.

Winkelman Fellowship (2013-2016)

Awarded to rising 3rd-year doctoral students who have shown substantial academic job potential across all departments at Wharton.



Winter 2023: Stats 413: Applied Regression Analysis (Undergraduate)


Spring 2020, 2021, 2022: 15.071, The Analytics Edge (MBA)

Summer 2017, 2018: 15.087/15.S14, Engineering Statistics and Data Science (MBA/MS)

Spring 2017, 2018: 15.075, Statistical Thinking and Data Analysis (Undergraduate)

Fall 2016, 2017: 15.S15, Readings in Statistics (Ph.D.)


Summer 2014: Stat 101, Introductory Business Statistics (Undergraduate)


For R scripts implementing the methods described in my work, see my GitHub.