Hon. (ret.) Donald E. Shelton. JD, PhD

email: desjd@umich.edu



Public Offices and Positions

§   Member, Michigan Governor's Task Force on Forensic Science, 2021 - 2022

§   Circuit Judge, Washtenaw County, February, 1990 - 2014

§   Regent, Eastern Michigan University, 1987 - 1990

§   Mayor, City of Saline, 1978 - 1986

§   Chair, Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG), 1983 - 1985

§   Board of Directors, National Association of Regional Councils, 1985 - 1986

§   Board of Directors, Washtenaw Development Council, 1983 -1986

§   Member, Michigan Governor’s Small Cities Advisory Council, 1983 - 1986

§   Vice Chair, Southeast Michigan Council of Governments, 1980 - 1983

§   Mayor Pro Tem, City of Saline, 1977 - 1978

§   Councilmember, City of Saline, 1976 - 1978

Teaching Positions

§   Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Michigan - Dearborn, 2014 - 2024, Courses: "Criminal Procedure and the Constitution", "Forensic Science Evidence in Criminal Cases", "American Judicial System", " Law and Society", "Probation and Parole", "Sentencing"

§   Fixed term Faculty, Michigan State University School of Criminal Justice, 2023 - present, Courses: "Introduction to Forensic Science"

§   Associate Faculty, University of Arizona Global Campus, 2023 - present, Courses: "Applied Constitutional Law", "Forensic Science"

§   Adjunct Faculty, Purdue University Global, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2023 – present, Graduate Courses: “Critical Issues in Criminal Justice”

§   Adjunct Faculty, Thomas M. Cooley Law School, Course: “Forensic Science Evidence”, 2011 - 2013

§   Adjunct Faculty, Eastern Michigan University, Political Science Department, Courses: "Understanding the Judicial System"; "American Legal System", “Law & Policy in a Constitutional Democracy” 1997 - 2014

§   Adjunct Faculty, Eastern Michigan University, Sociology, Anthropology & Criminology Department, Courses: "Criminal Law II - Criminal Procedure", "Criminal Sentencing", “Forensic Science”, 1997 - 2014

§   Adjunct Faculty, Oakland University Legal Assistant Program, 1977 - 1979

§   Adjunct Faculty, Washtenaw Community College Legal Assistant Program, 1976 - 1979

§   Adjunct Faculty, University of Maryland (Business Law, 1971 - 1973)

§   Member, Ferris State College Legal Assistant Advisory Committee, 1977 - 1990

§   Member, Washtenaw Community College Legal Assistant Advisory Committee, 1976 - 1979


§   Forensic Science Evidence: Can the Law Keep Up with Science?, LFB Scholarly Publishing, June, 2012

§   Forensic Science in Court: Challenges in the 21st Century, Rowman & Littlefield,  September 2010

§   Criminal Adjudication: The Challenges of Forensic Science Evidence in the Early 21st Century, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Nevada Reno Judicial Studies Program, May 2010

§   A Database of Persons Convicted Of Felonies In Washtenaw County, Michigan, 1990-2007, Masters Thesis, Eastern Michigan University Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminology, 2007

§   1986 Tort Reform Legislation in Michigan, Shelton, Bishop and Blaske,  DTR Associates, Ann Arbor, MI, 1986 

§   Michigan Wrongful Death, Bishop and Shelton,, Institute of Continuing Legal Education, 1986

§   Handling the Automobile Negligence Case: A Systems Approach, 2nd ed., Bishop and Shelton, , Institute of Continuing Legal Education, 1983, rev.1988 

§   Medical Malpractice - A Systems Approach, Bishop and Shelton,  Institute of Continuing Legal Education, 1982

§   Manual for Lawyers and Legal Assistants - Wrongful Death, Bishop and Shelton, Institute of Continuing Legal Education, 1977

§   The Use of Legal Assistants in Domestic Relations Cases, Bishop and Shelton, Institute of Continuing Legal Education, 1975, rev. 1980

§   The Use of Legal Assistants in Civil Litigation - Automobile Negligence, Bishop and Shelton,  Institute of Continuing Legal Education, 1974, rev. 1976

Chapters in Books

§   Drug Dogs: Limitations and Admissibility of Canine Alerts for Controlled Substances, Wiley Online Encyclopedia of Forensic Science (June, 2014)

§   Methods and Measures Used in Determining Community Sentiment, with Jared Chamberlain, in Handbook of Community Sentiment, Springer Publishing (2014)

§   "Forensic Science Evidence and Miscarriages of Justice" Chapter in Advances in Forensic Human Identification, eds. Xanthé Mallett, Teri Blythe, & Rachel Berry, Boca Raton FL: CRC Press, 2014

§   "CSI Effect” Chapter in Battleground: Criminal Justice, edited by Gregg Barak, Westport CT: Greenwood Press, 2007

§   "Motion Practice" Chapter in Michigan Basic Trial Practice Handbook, Bishop and Shelton, Institute of Continuing Legal Education, 1981

Articles and Research Papers

§   Michigan Task Force on Forensic Science Report and Recommendations (participant), December 21, 2022.

§   Book Review: "Ashes and Sparks" Viewed from Across the Pond, Critical Criminology: An International Journal, (DOI) 10.1007/s10612-013-9182-7 (2013)

§   Studying Juror Expectations for Scientific Evidence: A New Model for Looking at the CSI Myth, with G. Barak & Y. Kim, 47 Court Review 8 (2011)

§   How Reason for Surgery and Patient Weight Affect Verdicts and Perceptions in Medical Malpractice Trials: A Comparison of Students and Jurors, with  J. Reichert, M. Miller, & B. Bornstein, 29 Behavioral Sciences and The Law  395-418 (May/June 2011)

§   Forensic Science Evidence And Judicial Bias In Criminal Cases, 49 Judges' Journal 18 (No. 3, Summer 2010), American Bar Association

§   Juror Expectations for Scientific Evidence in Criminal Cases: Perceptions And Reality About The "CSI Effect" Myth, 27 T. M. Cooley Law Review 1 (2010)

§   An Indirect-Effects Model of Mediated Adjudication: The CSI Myth, the Tech Effect, and Metropolitan Jurors’ Expectations for Scientific Evidence, by Hon. Donald E. Shelton, Young S. Kim, and Gregg Barak, 12 Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology Law 1 (2009)

§   Examining the “'CSI-effect' in the Cases of Circumstantial Evidence and Eyewitness Testimony: Multivariate and Path Analyses, by Young S. Kim, Gregg Barak, and Donald E. Shelton, 37 Journal of Criminal Justice 452-460 (2009).

§   Twenty-First Century Forensic Science Challenges for Trial Judges in Criminal cases: Where the "Polybutadiene" Meets the "Bitumen", 18 Widener Law Journal 309 (2009)

§   The “CSI Effect” Is Really The “Tech Effect”, The Utah Prosecutor, Vol. 18:5, pp. 6-10, September 2008, Utah Prosecution Council, Salt Lake City, UT

§   The “CSI Effect” Is Really The “Tech Effect”: Coping With The New Forensic Reality, The Green Light News, Vol. 8:3, pp. 1-6, August 2008, Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan, Lansing, MI

§   The “ CSI Effect”’: Does It Really Exist?, NIJ Journal, Vol. 259, pp. 1-7, March 2008, National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.

§   Defending the Right to Trial by the People, MTLA Journal, Vol. 41:1, Michigan Trial Lawyers Association, Summer 2007

§   The "CSI Effect" - Is It Real?, The General Practitioner, Vol. 28:4, State Bar of Michigan July/August 2007

§   An Evaluation of the Status Offense Diversion Program in the Juvenile Court of Washtenaw County, Michigan, Washtenaw County Juvenile Court, May 24, 2007

§   The “CSI Effect” – Is It Real? , Criminal Law Section, State Bar of Michigan, April 2007 Newsletter

§   The Current State of Domestic Violence Courts in the United States, 2007, National Center for State Courts White Paper, February 23, 2007

§   A Study of Juror Expectations and Demands Concerning Scientific Evidence: Does the “CSI Effect” Exist?, by Donald E. Shelton, Young Kim and Gregg Barak, 9 Vanderbilt J. Ent. & Tech. L 334 (2006)

§   Technology, Popular Culture and the Court System - Strange Bedfellows?, National Center for State Courts 2006 Future Trends in State Courts (August, 2006)

§   Washtenaw County Probate Court Reorganization Report, Washtenaw County, Michigan Circuit Court (October 29, 2004)

§   Video Court Reporting - The Time Has Come, Judge's Journal, Vol. 42-1, American Bar Association, Winter 2003

§   Juvenile Court Reorganization Report, Washtenaw County Trial Court Family Division (December 1, 2001)

§   Equally Bad is Not Good: Allowing Title IX “Compliance” by the Elimination of Men’s Collegiate Sports, 34 U. Mich. J. L. Reform 253 (2001)

§   Teaching Technology to Judges, Judge's Journal, Vol. 40-1, American Bar Association, Winter 2001

§   All Aboard? Electronic Filing and the Digital Divide, Judge's Journal Vol. 40-3, American Bar Association, Summer 2001

§   Communicating with the Public on the Internet, Judge's Journal,  by Shelton, D. and Arkfeld, M., Vol. 39-1, American Bar Association, Winter 2000 

§   Technology and the Judiciary: The Promise and the Challenge, Judge's Journal, Vol. 39-1, American Bar Association, Winter 2000 

§   Communicating with Lawyers on the Internet, Judge's Journal, Vol. 39-1, American Bar Association, Winter 2000 

§   DNA, the Human Genome, and the Criminal Justice System, Judge's Journal, Vol. 39-3, American Bar Association, Summer 2000 

§   Courts on the Internet: Not Just Another Pretty Face, Michigan Bar Journal, May 1998, Vol. 77-5, pp. 398-399

§   The Judge and Jury in a Court of Claims Case: Who's on First?, 27 MTLA Quarterly 10 (1993)

§   Judicial Participation in Settlement, Colleague, Michigan Judicial Institute, Vol. 4-3, December 1991, pp. 26-33

§   Unconstitutional Uncertainty: A Study of the Use of Detainers, 1 U Mich. J.L.Reform 88 (1968)


§   Why Judges Won't Be Gatekeepers, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 76th Annual Scientific Meeting, Denver, Colorado, February 22, 2024.

§   Genetic Genealogy and Cold Cases Webinar, with CeCe Moore, Michigan Judicial Institute, November 8, 2023.

§   Genetic Genealogy and Law Enforcement, Michigan Judges Association Annual Conference, Mackinac island, Michigan, August 15, 2023

§   Forensic Science Evidence: '"the times they are a changin", Michigan Supreme Court Judicial Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan, May 18, 2023

§   The Admissibility of "Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome" Testimony in Criminal Cases, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 75th Annual Scientific Meeting,  February 18, 2023.

§   Amendments to FRE 702: Some Teeth for Daubert?, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 75th Annual Scientific Meeting,  February 17, 2023.

§   Forensic science Experts: What the Judge and Jury Expect, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 75th Annual Scientific Meeting,  February 14, 2023.

§   Discredited Forensic Evidence and Testimony, National Courts and Sciences Institute, via Zoom, May 27, 2022

§   Science, Technology and Jurors: An Update,  American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting, virtual, February 18, 2021

§   Criminal Justice and DNA, The Jeffares Speaker Series, Next Center, via Zoom, November 19, 2020.

§   Criminal Justice, Police Reform and Public Safety, Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities, via Zoom, September 25, 2020.  

§   Using Genetic Genealogy to Solve Crimes. accepted for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology which was to be held in November of 2020 in Washington, D.C. but was cancelled due to the COVID-19 issues

§   Genetic Genealogy and Law Enforcement: New Bedfellows, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 72d Annual Scientific Meeting, Anaheim, California, February 21, 2020

§   Genetic Genealogy: Science, Law and Ethics, Workshop Co-director and Presenter, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 72d Annual Scientific Meeting, Anaheim, California, February 18, 2020

§   The DNA Revolution in Genealogy, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 72d Annual Scientific Meeting, Anaheim, California, February 18, 2020

  §  Genetic Genealogy: Admissibility Issues from the Prosecution Perspective, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 72d Annual   Scientific Meeting, Anaheim, California, February 18, 2020.

§   The Criminology Theory of Relativity: Using Genealogy Databases to Solve Crimes,  Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, February 24, 2019

§   The Criminology Theory of Relativity: Using Genealogy Databases to Solve Crimes, with Dr. Fred Bieber, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 71st Annual Scientific Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, February 21, 2019

  § The Criminology Theory of Relativity: Using Genealogy Databases to Solve Crimes, CASL Faculty Research Slam, University of Michigan Dearborn, Dearborn, Michigan, October 26, 2018

§   Faces of Addiction - Casualties of the 'War on Drugs', Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, University of Michigan, Ypsilanti, Michigan, May 17, 2018

§   The Science and Law of Solitary ConfinementAmerican Academy of Forensic Sciences, 70th Annual Scientific Meeting, Seattle, Washington,  February 23, 2018.

§   ‘CSI Effect’: Do TV Programs Really Change Behavior, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, February 14, 2018

§   Warrior v. Guardian: The Dichotomy of Policing in America, State Bar of Michigan Criminal Law Section Annual Meeting, Cobo Center, Detroit, Michigan, September 29, 2017

§   Criminal Sentencing and Casualties of the "War on Drugs"; Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, March 29, 2017

§   Science and Law: Ships Passing in the Night; American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 69th Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana,  February 16, 2017.

§   Social Media and the Justice System; American Academy of Forensic Sciences 69th Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 16, 2017.

§   Viewing Research Through Different Lenses: How to Achieve Success in Court, American Academy of Forensic Sciences 69th Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 15, 2017

§   ‘CSI Effect’: Do TV Programs Really Change Behavior, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, December 7, 2016

§   Why are We Sending Innocent People to Prison? The Double-Edged Sword of DNA, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, November 16, 2016

§   Civil Rights in  Constitutional Democracy: A Balancing Act, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, October 12, 2016

§   The CSI Effect: Perception and Reality, Keynote Address,  Federal Bar Association, Utah Chapter 10th Annual Criminal Law Seminar, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 20, 2016

§   The Baby Tyler Case: Should Medical Examiners Have Access to Statements Obtained by Law Enforcement to Determine Manner and Cause of Death?, American Academy of Forensic Sciences 68th Annual Scientific Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, February 25, 2016.

§   Holding the Gate Open or Closing It: Evolving Frye and Daubert Approaches, American Academy of Forensic Sciences 67th Annual Scientific Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, February 25, 2016.

§   Limitations on the use of Canine Alerts for Controlled Substances, Michigan HIDTA Executive Council , Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan, February 3, 2016.

§   Science and Judges: Looking Forward, Illinois Advanced Judicial Academy, University of Illinois College of Law, Champaign, Illinois, June 11, 2015

§   Science, Technology and the Courts: Strange Bedfellows?, Illinois Advanced Judicial Academy, University of Illinois College of Law, Champaign, Illinois, June 8, 2015

§   Looking Back or Looking Forward?: Gatekeeper Hearings, Stare Decisis, and Judicial Notice, "The Role of the Courts in Improving Forensic Science", Symposium, American Bar Association and Northwestern University Law School, Chicago, Illinois, April 10, 2015

§   Closing the Gate on Biased Expert Testimony: The Judicial Perspective, "Cognitive Bias" Workshop, American Academy of Forensic Sciences 67th Annual Scientific Meeting, Orlando, Florida, February 16, 2014

§   The CSI Myth and Reality: Jurors', Judges' and Litigators' Expectations for Scientific Evidence, American Academy of Psychiatry and Law, 45th Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, October 26, 2014

§   Presenting Science in the Courtroom, 2014 Advances in Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Department of Pathology, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 14, 2014.

§   Bias in Forensic Science Evidence: From the Laboratory to the Courtroom, 2014 Essentials of Forensic Science for Legal Professionals, West Virginia University Forensic Science Initiative, Morgantown, West Virginia, March 12, 2014

§   Forensic Expert Bias: A Judicial Perspective, "Bias in Forensics" Workshop, American Academy of Forensic Sciences 66th Annual Scientific Meeting, Seattle, Washington, February 17, 2014

§   The Admissibility of Human Scent Evidence: From Bloodhounds to the Body Farm, Donald E. Shelton and Jose Baez, American Academy of Forensic Sciences 66th Annual Scientific Meeting, Seattle, Washington, February 22, 2014

§   Judicial Bias and Scientific Evidence in Criminal Cases, American Academy of Forensic Sciences 65th Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington, D.C., February 21, 2013

§   Can the Defense Attorney Win (or even get) an Admissibility Hearing: Daubert, the NAS Report, Inadequate Lawyering, and Biased Judges, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, Washington, D.C., February 22, 2013

§   The CSI Myth and Reality: Jurors’, Judges’ and Litigators’ Expectations for Scientific Evidence, Ohio Common Pleas Judges Association Summer Conference, Supreme Court of Ohio Judicial College, Sandusky, Ohio, June 21, 2012

§   The CSI Myth: Expectations for Scientific Evidence, Michigan State Police Forensic Science Division, Lansing, MI, June 14, 2012

§   The Human Consequences of Court Cost Funding, Michigan Association For Justice “View from the Bench” Seminar, May 21, 2012, Northville, MI

§   Global Gatekeeping?: A Comparative Analysis of the Judicial Process for Determining the Reliability of Proffered Expert Testimony, American Academy of Forensic Sciences 64th Annual Scientific Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, February 24, 2012

§   Juror Expectations for Scientific Evidence in Criminal Cases: Empirical Studies of the “CSI Effect” Myth, American Academy of Forensic Sciences 64th Annual Scientific Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, February 23, 2012

§   Judges Panel: Key eDiscovery Mistakes to Avoid, eDiscovery for Pharma, Biotech and Medical Device Industries, Philadelphia, PA, October 25, 2011

§   Voir Dire: The Judges's Perspective, Michigan Association For Justice Seminar, Redford, MI, August 29, 2011

§   The CSI Effect: What Have We Learned Over the Last Decade?, American Bar Association Annual Meeting, Section of Science and Technology Law, Toronto, ON, Canada, August 6, 2011

§   Forensic Science: A View From the Bench - Challenges for the Twenty-First Century, American Bar Association Annual Meeting, Judicial Division, Toronto, ON, Canada, August 4, 2011

§   Judges Roundtable: The State of Forensic Science and Current Evidentiary Issues, Webinar, American Bar Association Judicial Division, July 21, 2011

§   Judicial Perspectives on E-discovery, 11th Annual Computer and Enterprise Investigations Conference, May 16, 2011,  Orlando, FL

§   Judicial Perspectives on Electronic Discovery, Association of Corporate Counsel Annual Meeting, October 26, 2010, San Antonio, TX

§   Judicial Perspectives on E-discovery, 10th Annual Computer and Enterprise Investigations Conference, May 25, 2010,  Summerlin, NV

§   Twitter and Blogging in the Courtroom, Canadian Association of Law Libraries, Annual Conference 2010, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, May 10, 2010

§   "No Googling - No Texting" Jury Instruction Video, Jury Selection, Trial and Deliberations Resource Guide, National Center for State Courts, 2010

§   "CSI Effect" -  Juror Expectations For Forensic Science: Does Reality Meet The  Standard?, Thomas M. Cooley Law Review Symposium, Cooley Law School, Lansing, MI, October 14, 2009

§   The "CSI Effect" In The Real World, 2008 United Judicial Conference of the Florida Conference of Circuit Judges and the Florida Conference of District Court of Appeal Judges, Jacksonville, FL, December 10, 2008

§   The "Tech Effect" on Juror Demands for Scientific Evidence, Presentation, 2008 International Video Evidence Symposium, Law Enforcement & Emergency Services Video Association, Orlando, FL, October 22, 2008

§   The Impact of Pop Culture on Forensic Scientific and Legal Practice, Presentation, 8th Annual Forensic Science and Law Conference, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, April 5, 2008

§   The "Tech Effect" - Meeting Juror Expectations for Scientific Evidence, Presentation and Webcast, 2007 Criminal Practice and Procedure Update, Institute of Continuing Legal Education, Plymouth, MI, November 27, 2007

§   Public Safety: The CSI Effect - Dispelling Myths on the Use of DNA Evidence, Presentation, 2007 Annual Conference, The Council of State Governments, Oklahoma City, OK, November 13, 2007

§   The “CSI Effect”: Media Impact on Juror Demands for Scientific Evidence, Presentation, 2007 Annual Conference, Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology, Ypsilanti, MI, October 6, 2007

§   Jurors and Electronic Evidence and A Study of Juror Expectations and Demands Concerning Scientific Evidence, Presentation, Court Technology Conference 10, National Center for State Courts, Tampa, FL, October 4, 2007

§   The "CSI Effect" on Jurors: Does It Exist?, Presentation, National Institute of Justice 2007 Annual Conference, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. July 21, 2007

§   "CSI Effect" on Juries, Presentation, Michigan Judges Association Annual Conference, Mackinac Island, MI, August, 14, 2007

§   Effective Negotiation Techniques, 2nd Annual Advanced Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Institute, Institute of Continuing Legal Education, 2003

§   Effective Motion Practice, Practical Skills for New Lawyers, Institute of Continuing Legal Education, 2002

§   Technology in the Courtroom, State Bar of Michigan Young Lawyers Section, State Bar of Michigan 2001 Annual Meeting (Sept. 13, 2001)

§   Innovations in Jury Service - Now and Tomorrow, Jury Summit 2001, N.Y., NY (Feb. 3, 2001)

§   "E-Governance in the Digital Economy", Justice Web Collaboratory, Government Technology Conference 2000, Sacramento, CA (May 16, 2000)

§   Using the Internet to Improve Judicial Systems, American Bar Association Forum on Justice Improvements, October 1999 

§   Judicial Resources on the Internet, Conference Presentation, American Bar Association, Judicial Division, Annual Meeting, 1999

§   Electronic Filing, Seminar, Michigan Association for Legal Support Professionals, April 1999

§   Tort Reform in Practice - The View From the Bench, Winter Meeting, Michigan Defense Trial Counsel, 1997

§   Development of a Court Homepage, Conference Presentation, American Bar Association, Judicial Division, Annual Meeting, 1996

§   Computers for Judges 101, Seminar, Michigan Judicial Institute,1996 

§   Harassment in the Workplace, Seminar, Michigan Trial Lawyers Association, 1995

§   In the Aftermath of Homicide - Dealing with the Criminal Justice System, Foundations for Justice - Supporting Michigan's Victims of Crime, State Conference, 1994

§   Common Evidentiary Problems in the Courtroom, Ask the Judges Seminar, Institute of Continuing Legal Education, 1994

§   Effective Courtroom Advocacy, Seminar, Michigan Trial Lawyers Association, 1994

§   Presiding Judge and Faculty Member, 44th Annual Advocacy Institute, Institute of Continuing Legal Education, May 1993

§   Academics and Pragmatics of Medical Malpractice Trial Practice, Michigan Trial Lawyers Association, 1990

§   Fundamentals of Michigan Practice-Motion Practice, Institute of Continuing Legal Education Seminar, 1989

§   No-Fault Update: 1988, Institute of Continuing Legal Education, 1988

§   How to Handle the Automobile Negligence Case, Institute of Continuing Legal Education and State Bar Negligence Section Seminar, 1988

§   Damages and the 1986 Tort Reforms, Institute of Continuing Legal Education and State Bar Negligence Section Seminar, 1988

§   New Tort Legislation and Related Insurance Issues, Institute of Continuing Legal Education Seminar, 1986

§   How to Handle an Automobile Negligence Case-Medical Proofs, Institute of Continuing Legal Education Seminar, 1985

§   Successful Use of Depositions and Interrogatories: How to Make the Most of Pretrial Discovery, Institute of Continuing Legal Education Seminar, 1983

§   Traumatic Neurosis, Evaluating and Proving Damages, Institute of Continuing Legal Education Seminar, 1982

§   Motion Practice, Michigan Basic Skills, Institute of Continuing Legal Education Seminar, 1982

§   No-Fault Third Party Litigation and Uninsured Motorist Claims, No-Fault Accident Update, Institute of Continuing Legal Education Seminar, 1982

§   Basic Trial Advocacy Workshop, Faculty and Speaker, Institute of Continuing Legal Education, 1982, 1988, 1990, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2002

§   Motion Practice, Michigan Basic Skills, Institute of Continuing Legal Education Seminar, 1981

§   Motion Practice, Michigan Basic Trial Practice Handbook, Institute of Continuing Legal Education, 1981

§   Pretrial Motions, Civil Procedure Before Trial, Institute of Continuing Legal Education Seminar, 1981

§   Wrongful Death Damages, Proving Damages in Special Cases, Institute of Continuing Legal Education Seminar, 1981

§   Pretrial Motions, Civil Procedure Before Trial, Institute of Continuing Legal Education Seminars, 1979

§   Motion Practice, Michigan Basic Skills, Institute of Continuing Legal Education Seminar, 1979

§   People and Systems, Eighth National Conference on Law Office Economics, New York State Bar Association, 1978

§   Hearsay Objections Under the Michigan Rules of Evidence, Institute of Continuing Legal Education Seminar, 1978

§   Evaluating and Proving Damages, Institute of Continuing Legal Education, 1977

§   Legal Malpractice in Michigan-To Whom Are You Liable, Institute of Continuing Legal Education Seminar, 1977

§   The Use of Legal Assistants in Divorce Cases, Institute of Continuing Legal Education Seminar, 1977

§   The Use of Legal Assistants in Automobile Negligence Cases, Institute of Continuing Legal Education Seminar, 1977

§   The Use of Legal Assistants in Domestic Relations Cases, Institute of Continuing Legal Education Seminar, 1975

§   The Use of Legal Assistants in Civil Litigation-Automobile Negligence, Institute of Continuing Legal Education Seminar, 1974

Media Interviews, Articles and Appearances

§   "'CSI Effect' Remains a Myth, Retired Judge Says on 20th Anniversary of Popular Forensic Science Show",  ABA Journal, October 6, 2020

§   "Our Discussion with Former Mayor Donald Shelton". The Saline Journal, October 25, 2019

§   "Judges, Lawyers and Scientists: Why Can't We All Just Get Along", Forensic Magazine, February 19, 2017

§   "A guardian mindset: New program helps police think through ways to handle confrontations"University of Michigan Dearborn News, January 30, 2017

§   "Alternatives to Violent Force - Police re-training program shifts mentality from warrior to guardian", Michigan Radio WUOM "Stateside", January 4, 2017

§   "Forensic Science on Trial: The Honorable Donald Shelton on Forensic Science and the Courts", Crime and Science Radio, March 28, 2015

§   "Judge Donald Shelton Leaving Bench to Run Program at University of Michigan", WEMU, April 9, 2014

§   "Scholarly Look - Judge Pens Sequel to Book on Forensics", LegalNews.com, December 6, 2012

§   "Forensic Science Falls Short of Public Image", Stateline, Pew Center on the States, November 26, 2012

§   "The Real CSI", Frontline, PBS, April 17, 2012

§   "Should Juries for High Profile Cases be Anonymous?", Informed Debate, Costco Connection, May 2012

§   "Landmark Legal Cases: Gideon and Miranda", The Lynn Rivers Show, WEMU Radio, October 24, 2011

§   "Science Fiction?: Judge weighs in on the real effect of TV crime shows",  Motion Magazine, Spring, 2011

§   “Is the ‘CSI Effect’ Influencing Courtrooms?”, NPR News Investigations, National Public Radio, February 6, 2011

§   “Criminal Justice System Sees ‘CSI Effect’” , NPR News, National  Public Radio, August 6, 2007

Honors and Awards

§   Frank J. Kelley Distinguished Public Servant Award, State Bar of Michigan, 2007

§   Justice Blair Moody Award, Judge of the Year, 2007, Washtenaw Trial Lawyers Association

§   Dr. John W. Porter Distinguished Service Award, Eastern Michigan University Alumni Association, 2004

§   Judicial Achievement Award, Michigan Trial Lawyers Association, 1996

§   Maurice Gleicher Award, Guild Law Center for Economic and Social Justice, 1994

§   Justice Blair Moody Award, Judge of the Year, 1992, Washtenaw Trial Lawyers Association

§   Attorney of the Year Award, 1986, Washtenaw Trial Lawyers Association

§   Distinguished Service Award, Saline Jaycees, 1985 

§   Outstanding Young Man of the Year, Saline Jaycees, 1976

Memberships and Activities

§   Member, Governor's Task Force on Forensic Science, State of Michigan, 2021

§   Chair, American Academy of Forensic Sciences Jurisprudence Section, 2021-2022

§   Fellow, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Jurisprudence Section, 2009 - present

§   Section Secretary, Jurisprudence Section, American Academy of Forensic Sciences, 2020 - 2021

§   Member, Technology Committee, American Bar Association, Judicial Division, 2004 - 2015

§   Member, State Bar of Michigan (Chair, Electronic Filing Task Force, 2000 - 2003; Chair, Children's Task Force Jurisdiction Committee, 1993 - 1995; Economics Section Executive Committee, (1984 - 1988)

§   Technology Editor, Judges Journal, Quarterly Journal of the American Bar Association, Judicial Division, 2000 - 2003

§   Board of Directors, Washtenaw County Domestic Violence Project,  1991 -1997

§   Executive Committee, Southeast Michigan March of Dimes, 1989 -1992

§   Board of Directors, Metropolitan Affairs Coalition,1983 - 1987 (Vice President 1983 - 1985)

§   Board of Directors, Greater Detroit Business Attraction and Expansion Council (BAEC), 1983 - 1987

§   Board of Directors, Saline Area Senior Council, 1979 - 1982

§   Board of Directors, Saline Community Directions, Inc., 1986 - 1996

§   Member, Washtenaw Trial Lawyers Association (President, 1983, 1984; Secretary, 1982)

Military Service

§   Lieutenant, United States Army, 1966 - 1969

§   Captain, United States Army Judge Advocate Generals Corps, 1969 - 1974

§   Honor Graduate, The Judge Advocate Generals School, 1969

§   Meritorious Service Medal, United States Army, 1974